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Presentation on theme: "INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 2006 IPCC Guidelines: The New Sector “Industrial Processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 2006 IPCC Guidelines: The New Sector “Industrial Processes & Product Use (IPPU)” Bonn, 18 May 2006 Maritim Hotel Side-Event at SB24 on “2006 Guidelines” Dr. Jochen Harnisch, Ecofys GmbH Coordinating Lead Author

2 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 2 Outline  Structure and new gases  Highlights from the chapters  Questions  Conclusions

3 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 3 IPPU Volume Structure  Chapter 1 Introduction  Chapter 2 Mineral Industry Emissions  Chapter 3 Chemical Industry Emissions  Chapter 4 Metal Industry Emissions  Chapter 5 Non-Energy Products from Fuels & Solvent Use  Chapter 6 Electronics Industry Emissions  Chapter 7 Emissions of Fluorinated Substitutes for ODS  Chapter 8 Other Product Manufacture and Use  Annex 1 Worksheets  Annex 2 Potential Emissions  Annex 3 Improvements since 1996  Annex 4 Glossary for IPPU Sector

4 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 4 List of Gases Covered by IPPU  Carbon Dioxide  Methane  Nitrous Oxide  Sulphur Hexafluoride  Hydrofluorocarbons (TAR, non-TAR)  Perfluorocarbons (TAR, non-TAR)  Nitrogen Trifluoride (TAR)  Trifluoromethyl Sulfur Pentafluoride (TAR)  Halogenated Ethers (TAR, non-TAR)  Other Halocarbons (TAR, non-TAR)

5 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 5 Chapter 2: Mineral Industry  Consistent approach based on carbonate content of inputs for all source  Guidance to report emissions from carbonates where they occur  Inclusion of new guidance for other carbonates  Guidance on clays in ceramics industry

6 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 6 Chapter 3: Chemical Industry  New sources: - N 2 O emissions from production of caprolactam, glyoxal, and glyoxylic acid - CO 2 emission from production of titanium dioxide - Separation of CO 2 from urea use and production - CO 2 from various petrochemical processes - Expanded method for HFC-23 and consideration of other fluorinated by-products

7 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 7 Chapter 4: Metal Industry  Added guidance on emissions from zinc and lead production  Greatly improved guidance on production of ferroalloys  Detailed treatment of different production routes for iron and steel including DRI and metallurgical coke (Emissions from metallurgical coke should be reported under Energy Sector.)

8 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 8 Chapter 5: Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent Use  Inclusion previously separate chapter on solvent use  Consideration of use of fuels as lubricants, paraffin waxes, bitumen/asphalt and solvents  Focusses on direct CO 2 emissions

9 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 9 Chapter 6: Electronics Industry  Added guidance on production of PV cells, LCD and heat transfer fluids  Inclusion of new gases applied in the industry  Update of emission factors – including treatment of abatement  Inclusion of a new tier 1 method providing emission factors & activity data

10 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 10 Chapter 7: Fluorinated Substitutes for ODS  Tier 1 approach on “actual emissions” (“potential emissions” approach is no longer considered appropriate [see Annex 2])”  Reference to regional/global data bases for activity data  Preparation of use of EFDB as depository also for activity data

11 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 11 Chapter 8: Other Product Manufacture and Use SF 6 from electrical equipment: - Replacement of three parallel Tier 3 mass balance methods by one flexible method -New tier 1 emission factors for regions and technologies Addition of other sources: e.g. nuclear fuel cycle and military applications

12 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 12 Questions and Answers  Imposing undue effort on countries in requesting reporting of new sources and new gases?  2006 IPCC Guidelines provide methods for estimation of GHG emissions for as wide a range of gases and sources based on up-to-date knowledge available. COP to decide on reporting.  New boundary problems between Energy and IPPU?  Potentially yes, but discretion for countries remains and no other way to integrate bottom-up data e.g. from emission trading schemes & corporate reporting  Too many industry experts with vested interests involved e.g. in CDM projects or emissions trading?  IPCC procedures including review & strong co- chairs/SG/CLAs provided a counter-balance

13 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 13 Conclusions  Dynamic sector with rapid technological change  Strong participation from industry: good access to sector knowledge but safeguards against lobbying required  Policies and voluntary actions already show an impact on emissions from several sources  Rapid expansion of knowledge about sources and gases since 1996/2000, including emission trading schemes and voluntary reporting  Wealth of information on new sources of immeadiate benefit to inventory compilers  Greatly improved user-friendliness – many simplifictations including new tier 1 methods

14 INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME WMO UNEP 14 Thank you for your attention! Dr. Jochen Harnisch Ecofys Germany phone: +49 911-994358-12 fax: +49 911- 994358-11


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