On-Campus Recruiting Orientation Fall 2014.........................................

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Presentation on theme: "On-Campus Recruiting Orientation Fall 2014........................................."— Presentation transcript:

1 On-Campus Recruiting Orientation Fall 2014.........................................

2 What We Will Cover … Some Career Services Basics What is On-Campus Recruiting (OCR)? Who is Eligible? Steps to participate in OCR → Registering → The Student Home Page → Uploading resumes, cover letters, & transcripts → Searching & applying for positions → Signing up for/canceling interviews → Missed interview policy → Accepting a position → Reporting a position FAQs Final Comments.........................................

3 Career Services Basics Location:Science Library, G-50 Phone: 518.437.4900 E-mail: career@albany.educareer@albany.edu Web site: www.albany.edu/careerwww.albany.edu/career Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ► Drop-In Hours: MWF 10 a.m. - 12 noon TTh 1 - 3 p.m. Additional Peer Career Advisor hours TBA.........................................

4 What is OCR? An entirely online structured process facilitated by Career Services to bring students and employers together on-campus to participate in interviewing opportunities. Recruiters are seeking interns and/or fulltime employees. Students of ALL majors may participate in OCR. Students view and apply for listed positions and sign up for interviews online. The system is available 24-7..........................................

5 What is OCR? Many recruiters are interested in students of ALL majors, though Accounting positions are typically the majority (over 40%). If you are not interested in the opportunities you see in OCR, there are many other ways to go about finding jobs and internships. Our office is happy to assist you..........................................

6 Who Is Eligible for OCR: Fall 2014 OCR is designed to help matriculated students obtain internships and fulltime jobs. To participate you must be… - A junior, senior, or graduate student who is seeking an internship. - A senior or graduate student who is graduating in December 2014 seeking employment. - A sophomore who is eligible for a specific internship. Alumni are NOT eligible..........................................

7 Steps to Participate in OCR Complete a “Release Form/Missed Interview” sheet at the end of the orientation session. Develop a resume. Have your resume critiqued at Career Services during Drop-In Hours. Register, post your resume on-line, and search for opportunities through the following steps…..........................................

8 Registration Process......................................... www.albany.edu/career

9 .........................................

10 ......................................... You will also be asked to complete… * Demographic Info (Class Year, Graduation Date) * Languages * Additional Info (Allow employers to view your info?, Job Search Status, etc.) Your PROFILE

11 Registration Tips Complete all fields to ensure that you do not miss out on any opportunities for which you are eligible. Information must be accurate/truthful. Type your e-mail address correctly! If you are an accounting major going for 5 th year (150 credits/ CPA eligibility), your profile should indicate the date that you anticipate being CPA-eligible..........................................

12 Maintaining Your Personal Info Update this information regularly (at least once per semester). Any student caught manipulating their personal information in order to appear eligible for certain job postings will lose their OCR privileges..........................................

13 Student Home Page......................................... Regular Job or Internship Search OCR ONLY Find Information Sessions Here Link to Career Shift

14 You must Registered for Careershift separately.


16 Posting Your Resume (& other materials).........................................

17 ......................................... Directions Don’t Use

18 ......................................... Posting Your Unofficial Transcript Get your grades from MyUAlbany. Type and format your transcript in a Microsoft Word document. List the class names, grades, and credit hours. Organize it chronologically with the most recent semester first. Include former institutions and study abroad experience; be sure to note what courses, credits, and grades you received. Please Note: If a position REQUIRES your transcript and/or cover letter, you will not be allowed to apply for the position until you have uploaded these documents into the system. Then you can apply.

19 Searching & Applying for Positions......................................... NOTE: If you select View ALL Schedules & Resume Drops you will not be allowed to apply for any positions. You must select My Qualified Schedules & Resume Drops. Sort by

20 ......................................... MOST (98%) opportunities will follow the PRESELECT Process. If you do NOT see the “Apply Now” link, it will tell you in RED the reason why you do not qualify, such as missing resume.

21 ......................................... Click here to see position description Info Sessions are typically the night before the interview Request Period = Application Period Accepted = You get an Interview

22 ......................................... Possible “Filter” Requirements Some companies may request that you complete an on-line application for their position(s).

23 ......................................... Find and select the resume you want to submit.

24 .........................................

25 To Cancel an Interview Request.........................................

26 .........................................

27 Scheduling an Interview(s)......................................... Definitions NOTE: You WILL be e-mailed if you are pre-selected for an interview. Click here to sign up for interview during the sign-up timeframe.

28 Signing Up For Interviews......................................... Scroll down until you see this.

29 Signing Up For Interviews.........................................

30 Canceling an Interview.........................................

31 Missed Interview Policy To NO-SHOW for an interview is unacceptable. Any student who cancels the day of the interview will be considered a no-show and treated as such. No-show students will immediately be removed from the system and cannot continue submitting resumes or signing up for interviews until they send a letter of apology to the employer. A copy of this letter must also be submitted to the Recruiting Coordinator in Career Services. NOTE: Students are expected at interviews for which they have already signed up!.........................................

32 Interview Day Dress in interview attire. Bring all necessary materials for your interview: - Copy of your resume - Transcripts - Portfolio (if appropriate) Arrive at least 10 minutes early. Check to see if your interview has been relocated at the last minute. A sign outside our office will list the companies interviewing and their location (occasionally a company may be in a Campus Center meeting room). Collect business cards or contact information for sending a thank you note or e-mail. Contact information will also be at the front desk following your interview..........................................

33 Accepting a Job Verbally accept the position. Accept the position in writing. (See the cover letter section on our website for a sample.) Cancel previously scheduled interviews, remove your resume if request period is still open, and cease all interviewing as it is unethical to do otherwise. You do have the options of asking the company making you an offer to extend their offer deadline, and/or asking another company to move your interview to an earlier date..........................................

34 3 Ways to Report a Hire (if you are hired)......................................... We will keep your information confidential; we will only report aggregate data (i.e., Seven students were hired by State Farm in Spring 2014).

35 FAQ’s Why won’t the system let me register? - Perhaps your student ID number needs to be added to our system. Contact our office and let us know. What are Information Sessions? - They are meetings where companies provide an overview of what it is like to work for them. Topics may include corporate culture, benefits, training, etc. Many companies do these the night before the interviews. Make every effort to attend; dress is business casual. If a company is hosting an information session, it will be listed with the position description. I missed a deadline; what do I do? - You may contact the recruiter using the contact information in the system. You may also attend the company information session (if they have one scheduled) and see if there were any last minute interview cancellations..........................................

36 Final Comments Be professional in all of your interactions; all impressions matter! - Check your voicemail message to ensure that it is professional. - Make sure your e-mail address is professional (i.e., NOT “mistressofdarkness@hotmail.com” or “hotdude@gmail.com”). - Be careful about what you put on-line (Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn). Over 60% of companies check! Everything associated with OCR is online. Please contact Career Services if you have any questions about your job search..........................................

37 Final Comments Matriculated students are eligible for Drop-in Hours: - MWF: 10 a.m. - 12 Noon - TTh: 1 - 3 p.m. Visit our website for upcoming workshops, career panels, and career fairs both on- and off-campus: www.albany.edu/career If you are unclear about any aspect of the OCR process, view the On-Line Orientation on our website..........................................

38 Final Comments To be eligible for OCR –Register for UA CareerPathUA CareerPath –Fill out the Release FormRelease Form –Turn it into Career Services – SL-G50 You must run this in SlideShow mode for the links to work. The links will open in your browser, you may need to ESC from this presentation in order to view them..........................................

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