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ON-CAMPUS RECRUITING ORIENTATION The Career Center Towson University 7800 York Road, Suite 206 410-704-2233

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Presentation on theme: "ON-CAMPUS RECRUITING ORIENTATION The Career Center Towson University 7800 York Road, Suite 206 410-704-2233"— Presentation transcript:

1 ON-CAMPUS RECRUITING ORIENTATION The Career Center Towson University 7800 York Road, Suite 206 410-704-2233

2 Purpose  Welcome to the On-Campus Recruiting Orientation  This orientation will provide you with the necessary skills to successfully participate in the on-campus recruitment program whether you are seeking a full-time job or an internship opportunity

3 Make the Commitment  Review and sign the On-Campus Recruiting Agreement (Note: An agreement form must be filed at the Career Center in order to participate in on-campus recruiting)  Fax (410-704-3459), mail or hand deliver the agreement to: Employer Relations Coordinator The Career Center at Towson University York Road, Suite 206 Towson, MD 21252  (Click here to obtain agreement form)here

4 The On-Campus Recruiting Season Begins  Fall Semester: Late September through November  Spring Semester: Late February through April  Be sure to log in to your Hire@TU account to view upcoming schedules or check out the Towson Tigers Today (T3)for a list of employers participating in OCR.

5 Take the First Step Access Your Hire@TU Account Students  All current students already have a Hire@TU account! Log in to your Hire@TU account from the Career Center’s homepage/Hire@TU widget with your TU net ID and password. Alumni  To access Hire@TU, please visit the alumni log in page:; and sign in using your username and password.  Alumni who do not currently have accounts, or who have trouble logging in, please contact the Career Center at to gain access to the

6  Complete your profile including personal data, academics and future plans.  Upload your resume, cover letter and related documents by selecting “My Documents” (a resume review by the Career Center is strongly recommended).

7  To upload a file, select the file to be uploaded by clicking the “Update” button and selecting the document to be uploaded.  Click on the “Upload” button to upload document.

8  After your resume has been uploaded, click “Schedule” then “Qualified Schedules.”

9  You will see a list of all interview schedules that are available for viewing on-line for which you meet the minimum requirements.  Click on the position of interest to you, to learn more information and to request an interview.

10  Click “Request Interview.”

11  Choose your resume document and send. The application deadline is one week prior to the interview date; make sure you apply on time.  Following the application deadline, you will receive an email regarding employer decisions. If your application is accepted, you will be instructed to sign up via Hire@TU for an interview slot on a first-come, first-served basis.

12 Interview Selection Process

13 Preselection  Employers “pre-select” students to interview. You must be accepted before you can sign up for an interview slot.  You will be notified of your application status via email following the application deadline date.  To review your status in Hire@TU, click “My Account,” click“My Activity,” then click “Schedules.”

14 Application Status Accepted, Denied, Undecided…  If you are accepted, signup for an interview slot—go to “My Account,” click on “My Activity” and click on “Schedules.”  Under “Pre-selection Activity,” click the job title, then click on the “Sign-up button” and follow the instructions.  Sign up as soon as possible to ensure you get the slot you want.  If your application is denied, you did not meet the requirements posted in the job description.

15 The Interview

16 Prepare Yourself  You should have your resume reviewed at the Career Center before you upload your resume to apply for a full-time job or internship.  Participate in a mock interview session at the Career Center prior to your interview to improve your interview skills.  Call 410-704-2233 to schedule an appointment.  Visit the Career Center Web site for additional interview tips and advice.

17 Interview Strategies  Research the organization. Visit the company’s Web site to learn as much as you can about the organization before the interview  Review the job description and be able to articulate your knowledge of the company and how your qualifications match the job  Always bring a list of questions to ask.

18 Dress for Success Wear a Suit! Dress for the interview:  For men: suit, tie, no visible body piercing, minimal cologne, polished dress shoes.  For women: pant or skirt suit, moderate make-up, minimal perfume and jewelry, no visible body piercing, closed-toe pumps.

19 Interview Day  Interviews are held at the Career Center 7800 York Road, Suite 206.  Arrive early (10 - 15 minutes).  Make sure you allow time for traffic, parking and the unexpected.  Bring copies of your resume, transcripts, references and portfolio (if applicable).

20 Following the Interview  Send a thank-you note.  If you were interviewed by more than one person, send each interviewer a thank-you note.  Follow-up with the employer.  Be persistent, but always remain professional.  Continue your job search until you receive an offer.

21 Tips & Advice DO :  Interview with employers that truly interest you.  When reflecting on a job offer, consider the benefits offered as well as the salary including health insurance, retirement plans and tuition remission.  Once accepted, honor the job offer as a contractual agreement with the employer. DO NOT :  Interview with employers, just for “practice.”  Continue to interview after accepting a job offer.  Renege on a job offer if something “better” comes along. For more information on the job search process, visit the Career Center Web site at

22 What if You Are Unable to Make Your Scheduled Interview?  Call the Career Center at 410-704-2233 two days in advance if you need to cancel your interview.  Call the Employer Relations Coordinator at 410-704-4839 for follow- up instructions.  NOTE : Applicants who do not attend a scheduled interview without proper notice may be removed from the OCR program.  In case of inclement weather – call TU’s main number at 410-704- 2000 or visit the Web site at for information.  Also, please call the Career Center at 410-704-2233 to find out the status of the interviews.

23 Thank You  Thank you for taking the time to learn about the on-campus recruiting and the interview process.  Please visit the Career Center or contact or 410-704-2233 if you have questions. We wish you much success in achieving your career goals.

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