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SESSION: RECOVERY & RESILIENCY AFTER SANDY (2) Improving Resiliency and Reducing Environmental Impact with Distributed Renewable Energy Solutions Tyler.

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Presentation on theme: "SESSION: RECOVERY & RESILIENCY AFTER SANDY (2) Improving Resiliency and Reducing Environmental Impact with Distributed Renewable Energy Solutions Tyler."— Presentation transcript:

1 SESSION: RECOVERY & RESILIENCY AFTER SANDY (2) Improving Resiliency and Reducing Environmental Impact with Distributed Renewable Energy Solutions Tyler Adkins, Urban Green Energy With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and aging grid infrastructure, reliable energy systems are more important than ever. Compared with the conventional grid-tied alternative, on-site renewable energy systems provide a wide range of benefits, including: Energy security Off-grid solutions work 365 days (and nights) of the year, unaffected by grid outages Hybrid wind/solar energy systems are complementary and provide ultimate reliability Smart energy storage systems ensure uptime Energy cost Reduce monthly energy bills & exposure to energy price volatility Smart electronics allow for remote monitoring and control – eliminate costly site visits, minimize O+M Upgrade existing systems without interference with roadways, plumbing, fire hydrants, or other networks Avoid cost and hassle of connecting to utility grid Sustainability Meet sustainability goals by powering systems with clean energy of wind and sun Contribute toward LEED points for on-site renewable energy Outsized environmental impact: 1 kWh of on-site energy = 3 kWh power plant energy Highly visible sustainability statement New York City-based Urban Green Energy is providing distributed renewable energy solutions for governments, institutions, corporations and others, in more than 80 countries. Tyler Adkins is the director of outdoor lighting solutions at Urban Green Energy, a NYC-based renewable energy solution provider. UGE puts users in control of their energy source by deploying hybrid wind, solar and storage solutions for use in off-grid lighting applications, enterprise solutions, and telecom towers in more than 80 countries around the world. From parking lot lighting in Brooklyn, to large infrastructure projects in the developing world, Tyler leads UGE's efforts to engage government, institutional, and commercial clients in understanding the economic, sustainability and energy security benefits of renewable-powered lighting solutions. Tyler holds an M.Sc in Sustainability Science from Lund University, Sweden and moved to New York City in October 2012 - the day before Superstorm Sandy exposed the dire need for more resilient, robust, and sustainable infrastructure.

2 TRB Summer Conference: Improving Energy Security & Sustainability with Distributed Renewable Energy Tyler Adkins - June 18, 2014

3 Page 3 Agenda  Distributed renewable energy overview  Case Study: Renewable-powered off-grid lighting  Q&A

4 Page 4 UGE is a Leader in Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) Solutions 1,500 installations deployed in 90 countries New York (UGE HQ) Beijing Mumbai UGE Office Locations UGE Sales Locations Site Evaluation System Design Manufacture & Supply Installation Project Finance Maintenance End-to-End Solutions Approach

5 Page 5 Centralized vs. Distributed Power Production Power Plant Generates Electricity Transmission Lines Carry Electricity Long Distances Transformer Steps Up Voltage For Transmission Distribution Lines Carry Electricity To Houses Neighborhood Transformer Steps Down Voltage Transformers On Poles Step Down Electricity Before It Enters Houses

6 Page 6 Centralized vs. Distributed Power Production

7 Page 7 Every facility in the world has an energy deficiency that is a mix of energy security, energy cost, and sustainability Why Distributed Renewable Energy? Sustainability Energy Security Energy Cost

8 Page 8 Energy Security Increasing frequency of extreme weather events and aging grid infrastructure systems mean reliable energy systems are more important than ever  Hybrid wind/solar systems ensure ultimate reliability  Smart electronics provide continued service, even when grid is unavailable

9 Page 9 Case Study New Caledonia: Microgrid Project Overview The New Caledonia Telecom microgrid allows for constant uptime and minimal operating expenditure Project Details  Located: Île Ouen, New Caledonia  Installed: January 2014  Solar PV: 6kW  Wind Turbine: 1kW  Storage: 2500Ah 48V VRLA Gel battery bank  ROI: 1.5 Years

10 Page 10 Energy Cost On-site energy systems reduce or eliminate monthly energy bills & exposure to energy price volatility Financed options allow for cost savings from day 1 with no risk, upfront cost, or maintenance obligation Energy prices are volatile and rising, which leaves customers vulnerable to unforeseen price increases and unable to budget with confidence

11 Case Study City of PingQuan: Renewable-Powered Off-Grid Lighting Project Overview The PingQuan highway is lit by UGE’s off-grid lighting solutions that reduced upfront construction costs, have no ongoing energy requirement, and serve as a high visibility welcome for visitors to the city. Project Details  Location: PingQuan, Hebei Province, China  Completed December, 2012  UGE Solution vs. Traditional Lighting - $550,000 vs. $560,000 up front  Ongoing savings: >$200,000 over the 20+ year lifetime

12 Page 12 Sustainability  Renewable portfolio standards (RPS), SREC markets, & carbon credits support increased adoption  On-site energy has an outsized environmental impact (ratio of 3:1 kWh in New York)  Contribute toward LEED certification  Highly visible sustainability statement Performance mandates and sustainability plans increasingly drive the adoption of on- site renewable energy

13 Page 13 Case Study Whole Foods Market: On-Site Energy and Off-Grid Lighting Project Overview Whole Foods is pursuing LEED platinum certification for their “store of the future” concept at the new location in Brooklyn, NY. The site includes a wide range of recycled materials, efficiency measures, and on-site renewable energy, including:  300 kW Solar Canopy – Power Purchase Agreement = no initial investment, technology risk, or maintenance costs  Off-grid lighting systems – Minimize installation costs, eliminate ongoing energy cost, 100% uptime  EV charging stations – Wind-powered charging stations for electric vehicles

14 Page 14 Case Study Whole Foods Market: On-Site Energy and Off-Grid Lighting

15 Example: Off-Grid Lighting

16 Page 16 Three Main Challenges for Outdoor Lighting Projects  High CAPEX: Extending underground grid power to site is largest share of installation costs  High OPEX: Ongoing energy bill is often the largest lifetime cost  High uncertainty: Energy price volatility makes budgeting and planning difficult. System operation is 100% reliant on grid availability

17 Page 17 Off-Grid Solutions – A Better Model for Lighting Infrastructure  Cost savings from Day 1: Avoid cost & headache associated with trenching and grid interconnection  Complete cost certainty: No ongoing electricity bill eliminates exposure to energy price volatility  Energy security & sustainability: Powered by wind and sun; more reliable than grid infrastructure and unaffected by grid outages

18 Contact: TYLER ADKINS Director, Outdoor Lighting Solutions Email: Phone: (917) 267-7360 330 W 38th Street, Suite 1103 New York, NY, USA 10018

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