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Going Green: City of Phoenix Sustainability Update ACMA Winter Conference February 7, 2008 Carolyn F. Bristo Assistant Public Works Director City of Phoenix.

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Presentation on theme: "Going Green: City of Phoenix Sustainability Update ACMA Winter Conference February 7, 2008 Carolyn F. Bristo Assistant Public Works Director City of Phoenix."— Presentation transcript:

1 Going Green: City of Phoenix Sustainability Update ACMA Winter Conference February 7, 2008 Carolyn F. Bristo Assistant Public Works Director City of Phoenix

2 What is Sustainability? Achieve continuing economic prosperity while protecting the natural systems of the planet and providing a high quality of life. (EPA) Provides a framework to ensure that our actions today meet the needs of the present but do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

3 Why is Sustainability Important? U.S. – 5% of the world population – Uses 27% of the world’s oil – Limited oil reserves 1960-2000: World fossil fuel consumption rose by 700% Need greener and renewable technologies

4 Sustainability Programs Provide cost and energy savings Improve air quality Ensure long term water supplies Mitigate heat island effects Leverage natural assets (i.e., solar energy) and support renewables Reduce City’s environmental footprint

5 Sustainability Task Force Mission To highlight the City’s current environmental sustainability efforts, identify future trends, and discuss options that hold greatest promise over the next five years.

6 Environmental Leadership Land Use Parks & Open Spaces Recycling & Pollution Prevention Transportation & Air Quality Energy & Green Buildings Water Riparian Area Restoration & Preservation Projects Historic Preservation Sustainability at City of Phoenix

7 Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works Recycling & Pollution Prevention Transportation & Air Quality Energy & Green Buildings

8 Recycling & Pollution Prevention – Green Waste Diversion – Recycling Marketing/ Education Awareness up 40%, Improved quality of commodities – Landfill Gas-to-Energy 1 contract signed, 1 pending Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

9 Recycling & Pollution Prevention – Electronics Collection/ Recycling 44% increase from HHW collection – FY06 to date – Integrated Pest Management (successful pilot) Insecticide down 99% at administration building Program expanding from 2 to 7 buildings Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

10 Transportation & Air Quality – Carpooling – Green House Gas (GHG) Emission Inventory – Cleaner Vehicles (PWD Alt. Fuel Program since 1994) 1,531 bio-diesel 1,314 CNG 380-plus E85 flex fuel Successful hybrid pilot (8 in fleet) Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

11 Energy & Green Buildings – LEED Buildings 2 LEED Certified, 5 in LEED Certification process 2006 Bond Program facilities built to basic LEED standards Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works Fire Station 50Desert Broom Library

12 Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works Energy & Green Buildings – Energy Management/ Conservation Earth Hour 2008 (3/29) – Lights off 8 to 9 p.m. – Energy Star purchases – SOLAR ENERGY

13 Phoenix—“Valley of the SUN” Earliest solar (PV) projects date back to 1990 – Infant technology ($$$) – Low load, “simple” projects – Initial educational & “demonstration” projects Transit Canopies ‘90Park Picnic/ Security ‘91 Preserve Restroom ‘95 Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

14 Monitored early PV projects into 2000s – Improved technology ($$)–better grasp of possibilities – Increased solar/ GREEN profile Park-and-Ride ‘04SW Transfer Station ‘07Community Center ‘07 Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

15 Solar technology 2007 & beyond – Refined technology ($$)–Increased solar applications – Solar power “mainstream”, highest profile yet Phoenix Convention Center West Building – Improved funding & partnership opportunities for larger-scale projects Third-party financing US Department of Energy – Solar America Cities 2008 Grant application (Tucson 2007) Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

16 Third-party financing RFQ (5 vendors selected) Why third-party financing? – 30% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) – Design, install, operate & maintain – City purchases power output – $/kWh (individual project basis) Partnerships with Water & Aviation Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

17 Solar America Cities 2008 Grant Application – $200,000 (50% match) to make solar energy price competitive w/ conventional energy sources by 2015 Funding requested for following objectives: – Expand installed capacity & introduce large-scale solar infrastructure – Overcome upfront financing barrier & introduce alternative financing mechanism (3 rd party financing) – Transcend knowledge/ awareness market barriers to maximize opportunities for solar energy installations Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

18 Arizona Corporation Commission – Renewable energy portfolio standard 15% by 2025 Phoenix Environmental Quality Commission – Support for solar & other renewable energies – Solar, landfill gas, digester gas City’s renewable goals – 2.5% by FY2009-10 – 5.0% by FY2014-15 – 10% by FY2019-20 – 15% by FY2024-25 Sustainability, Phoenix & Public Works

19 For more information, visit:

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