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Energy Efficiency & Conservation for Businesses and Homes Pacific Gas & Electric Company Presented By: Joe Segura Energy Solutions and Service April 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficiency & Conservation for Businesses and Homes Pacific Gas & Electric Company Presented By: Joe Segura Energy Solutions and Service April 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Efficiency & Conservation for Businesses and Homes Pacific Gas & Electric Company Presented By: Joe Segura Energy Solutions and Service April 17 th, 2014

2 Today’s Topics  Energy Conservation vs. Energy Efficiency  Energy Conservation Ideas  Energy Efficiency Rebates  Other Services  Demand Response

3 Energy Conservation vs. Energy Efficiency… Energy Conservation: Using what you already have in the most economical way. Example: Turning off Lights when Leaving the Room Energy Efficiency: Replacing Existing Equipment with newer equipment that uses less energy to do the same job. Example: Replacing Incandescent Light Bulbs with Compact Fluorescents

4 What Does the Big Picture Look Like? Analysis Energy Conservation Energy Efficiency Self Generation Demand Response TOU Management Business Operations Reliability Price


6 Residential Energy Conservation Turn off equipment, appliances and lights when not in use. Keep windows and doors closed during heating and cooling operations. Use room fan in place of air conditioner. Keep refrigerator coils clean and units operating between 37°-42° F; freezers between 0°-5° F Wash only full loads of laundry and dishware. Wash or rinse laundry in cold or warm water.

7 Residential Energy Conservation (cont) Set water heater to “low” (120°F); or “med” (140°F) if dishwasher is present. Don’t preheat the oven before use. Cook several complete dishes in the oven at the same time. Reduce swimming pool temperatures as well as number of months of heater operation. Keep swimming pool cleaning and heating equipment clean and in good working condition.


9 Business Energy Conservation Put up signs in offices/rooms/bathrooms to remind employees & customers to turn off lights when leaving a room. Set Thermostat at 68 during winter and 78 during summertime. Open shades and blinds during the winter, and close them during the summer. Keep Doors and Windows closed while running Air Conditioning. Try not to use compressed air for cleaning, use less intensive methods such as blowers or sweeping. Turn off compressors when leaving. Ensure doors and windows have good working seals.

10 Business Energy Conservation (cont) Make sure lighting controllers (time clocks and photocells) are working and properly set. Make sure exterior lights are off during the daytime. Perform regular Maintenance on equipment to ensure it operates at the highest level. De-Lamp in areas with bright enough lights, and be sure to turn off lights when day lighting is sufficient. When possible, be sure to pump or use the least amount of water possible (even if you are on city water this reduces the amount they have to pump). Inspect Refrigeration Coils on Equipment and replace Air Filters on a regular basis.

11 Business Energy Conservation (cont) In schools, try to limit after hours activities to just a few central zones so you can turn off HVAC for other areas. Do not block air flow to HVAC vents to allow system to operate efficiently. Set all Computer monitors to turn off after 4 minutes instead of running a screen saver. Make sure to turn off all coffee makers, copy machines, printers, and computers when not in use or business is closed.


13 Residential Energy Efficiency “LOW COST”:  Install energy-saving showerheads and faucet aerators.  Caulk/seal around any place where air can penetrate and/or escape.  Install an Energy Star programmable thermostat to prevent unnecessary heating and cooling. For a more progressive approach try a Smart Thermostat  Fix defective and dripping faucets.  Wrap older water heaters and plumbing with approved insulating materials.  Use a pool cover to prevent heat loss through evaporation.

14 Residential Energy Efficiency (cont) “LOW COST” (cont):  Replace Incandescent or CFL light bulbs w/ LEDs.  Install window shades and covers.  Use Energy Star hardwired indoor and outdoor light fixtures, or consider LED equivalent replacements.  Use motion sensors for indoor and outdoor lighting.  Use dimmer switches and timers for lighting.  Provide shading for your air conditioner.  Buy Energy Star appliances and equipment whenever applicable.

15 Residential Energy Efficiency (cont) “INVESTMENT”:  Have heating/cooling ducts tested for air leakage.  Consider the use of a whole house fan to cool your house.  Insulate walls and attic space. The key is to educate yourself as there are several options out there!  Consider Energy Star equipment for replacement of clothes washers, refrigerators, water heaters  Variable Speed Pull Pump for filtration

16 “ENERGY EFFICIENCY” For Businesses

17 Business Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency Rebates Pre-determined (deemed) cash rebates for itemized measures All business customers can use this regardless of size No reservations required Customers can do the project then apply Eligibility Must pay into Public Purpose Goods

18 Business Energy Efficiency Rebates (cont)  Lighting:  Replace Incandescent Light Bulb ’ s/CFLs with Led Screw ins - Items are available through our approved supplier list and rebates are instant.  Replace T-12 Fluorescent Lamps (long tubes) with T8s (skinnier bulb 1 ” wide) and electronic ballasts. Title 24, but still should be done. For larger office type complex consider LED fixture  Replace high wattage Metal Halides with a T5 or T8 Fluorescent high bay fixture. Rebate - $20-$150, for LED $100-250 per fixture.  Highly consider LED for Exterior Lighting applications. Ensure Photocells or Time Clocks are set properly. Rebate $40-125  Install Occupancy Sensors to turn of lights in offices, restrooms, and other places when not in use.  Change out Old Exit Signs for LED Exit Signs.

19 Overview of other Program Offerings Customized Retrofit (Replaces NRR)  Used for More Complex Projects or those not eligible for Deemed Rebates  Incentive Levels  Lighting $0.03/kwh  Non Lighting $0.08/kwh  Natural Gas $1.00/therm  Advanced Lighting (LED) $0.08/kwh  Project Site Caps – 50% of project cost up to $1,000,000  Eligibility  Must pay into Public Purpose Goods

20 Overview of other Program Offerings Customized New Construction (Replaces Savings By Design)  Used for construction of new facilities, expansions, or any added load  Incentive Levels RCx $0.15/kwh Targeted Non-Lighting (advanced controls) $0.15/kwh, Natural Gas $1.00/therm Peak KW $100.0/kw  Offers Energy-Efficient Design Assistance at no cost Apply as soon as possible, preferably during pre-design stages. Eligibility: Must pay into Public Purpose Goods

21 Rebate Application and Process Changes  Energy Efficiency Financing (OBF)  New separate technology catalogs  E-rebates are now available for customers at  Contact your local PG&E rep Joe Segura directly at 209-576-6520


23 Other Services - Energy Audits Phone Audits Onsite Small Business Audits NRD Audits/Turn Key Solutions Integrated Audits  200-500 kW completed by PG&E Staff Large Integrated Audits  >500 kW completed by consultant Technical Assistance Pacific Energy Training Center/Stockton ETC

24 Demand Response Customer Requirements:  >200 kW Programs Designed to Compensate Customers to Drop Load on Critical Days  BIP  DBP  AMP  Technology Incentives/Automated Controls Flex Your Power Now

25 Thank You Questions?

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