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Ms. Garvey’s World History Unit 1 Review. Religion that believes in one God. Not poly monotheism.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Garvey’s World History Unit 1 Review. Religion that believes in one God. Not poly monotheism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Garvey’s World History Unit 1 Review

2 Religion that believes in one God. Not poly monotheism

3 Money, trade, agriculture, businesses, occupations. Economic

4 Location, climate, vegetation, landforms. Geography

5 The development of farming & the domestication of animals led to the growth of permanent villages and civilization. This is called the… New Stone Change Neolithic Revolution

6 Inventions, innovations (new ways of doing something), expanding knowledge and learning. achievements

7 Things people do to be creative or express who they are or how they feel. Aesthetics

8 main religion of Middle East Means submission to the will of God Islam

9 Rulers, laws, wars, government, military. Political

10 Belief in an afterlife, gods, places of worship, prayer. Religious

11 Daily life, family structure, role of women, classes, entertainment. Social

12 Art, music, drama, dance, literature, architecture, fashion. Aesthetic

13 The Muslim House of Wisdom encouraged the study of Algebra and Trigonometry. Achievement

14 Great thinkers who develop ideas about the universe & humanity Socrates & Plato. philosophers

15 They believed in one God and the prophets Abraham and Moses. Religious

16 The Greeks encouraged the study of math and science, by men such as Archimedes and Hippocrates. Achievements

17 Alexander the Great conquered the known world. Political

18 Athenian statesman who outlawed slavery and increased citizen participation in government. Not Polon but Solon

19 Greece was rocky, hilly and encircled by water. Geography

20 In the Agora, the women bought fish, figs, and cheese. Economic

21 The Chinese cultivated rice in the irrigated fields of the Yellow River. Economic

22 The way of life of a people. _ _ lt _ r _ culture

23 The architect Phidias designed the Acropolis, creating large buildings with carved friezes and many columns. Achievements

24 In Greek amphitheaters, the people could watch tragedies which included a chorus chanting the doom of the hero. Aesthetics

25 Roman farmers grew grapes for wine, and olives for their oil. Economic

26 Greek philosopher from 4 th century Athens, who taught his students using a question/answer method named after him. Not Plato nor Aristotle Socrates

27 Greek music was played on the lyre and kitara. Aesthetic/Achievement

28 Islamic women were not treated as equals. Social

29 Muslims made pilgrimages to Mecca Religious

30 Religion of the Hebrews based on one God and the Old Testament Jews practice it Judaism

31 A Greek could discover their fate by a visit to the Oracle at Delphi, where they would learn that the anger of Poseidon, Zeus, or Apollo would bring them to their death. Religious

32 Islamic scientists invented the astrolabe and studies optics. Achievements

33 Greek city-state where democracy began in 508 BC Capital of Greece Athens

34 The Islamic civilization developed in a hot, arid land. Geography

35 Islamic artwork used geometric and abstract designs. Aesthetics

36 The Ottoman Empire lasted from 1299 to 1918. Political

37 Arab doctors isolated the sick and cared for them in hospitals. Achievements

38 form of government, citizens elect leaders who rule for them, started in Rome in 509 BC Indirect democracy Republic

39 Most of the test will come directly from this review. Some of the test questions are other examples to test your understanding of GRAPES

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