Pacific GIS/RS user Conference 2010 Nomeneta Saili.

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Presentation on theme: "Pacific GIS/RS user Conference 2010 Nomeneta Saili."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pacific GIS/RS user Conference 2010 Nomeneta Saili

2 Overview Goal of the system System development aim How the system works System Components System features Add-on tool (Fault Service Dispatch Feature) EPC GIS Asset data integration Anti-Tamper Measures Costing Future developments Conclusion

3 Goal To develop a tool that will effectively manage the use of EPC fleet of vehicles (81 vehicles) Tracks and record the use of EPC vehicles

4 Development aim Cost effective, flexible and sustainable Full control Server based for multiple access to ensure transparency Web Interface for ease of use Real time tracking for dispatch and proactive management Intagrate EPC GIS data

5 How it works X1 Plus Unit in EPC Vehicles captures and then send location data through GPRS GPRS GIS-Server EPC Computers EPC Network

6 Components 1. Hardware a. X1 Plus  GPS Tracking unit per vehicle  10 sec tracking interval  5-10m accuracy  WGS 84  8-30v DC power  Data logging if no GSM signal  $160 USD

7 b. DELL T310 PowerEdge Server  Quad-Core Intel ® Xeon ® 3400 series processor  8 gig ram c. SIM card  GPRS enabled  Voice disable d. Terminal  Laptop/PC connected to EPC Computer Network

8 2. Software a. GPSGateServer  Tracking/management software  Server/web based  Uses Ajax  Open platform  Java scripts plug-ins functionality  Administrator and operators (user) accounts  Multi-Concurrent user access accounts  $49 USD per license perpetual with 1 year maintenance

9 b. Windows Server 2008 – Operating system c. MySQL – Backend database for storing track records d. Geoserver  Mapping Component  Open source Web Server  Supports WFS, WFS-T, WMS, and WCS e. IIS8 – Web Server f. Firefox, Chrome, Safari web browser – Client access

10 System Diagram GPSGateServer MySQL Geoserver EPC Assets, Topographic layers Shapefiles Web Browser

11 3. Communication system  GSM GPRS (TCP/IP packets)  Samoatel, 95% coverage of Samoa  Send location packet from X1 Plus tracking unit to ISP Router which forwards packet to local GIS-Server ISP Router (Port 6090) IP X1 Plus GPS tracking unit GIS-Server (IP, GPSGate listens to port 6090 for packets GPRS Forward packets to local IP

12 Features 1.Near Real time tracking of vehicles every 10 seconds Showing real time movement of EPC vehicle number 215 alon Richardson road as of 16 th August 11:56am with speed of 81km/hr and distance of 50km.

13 2. Alarm/Events Alarm and events are triggered when certain conditions are met. Some of the examples include a vehicle breaking the set speed limit, violating geofence or operating at unauthorized periods.

14 Geofence example

15 3. Vehicle Track Visualization (mapping) Vehicle track visualization visualize the track and stop location/duration a vehicle made for any specific period

16 4.Reports Reports Distance reportsSummary detail of vehicle usage Distance reports (detail)Summary + details of vehicle usage Event reportsReport listing details of events/alarms a vehicle(s) triggered Vehicle reports

17 Over Speed Report (Event) Sample

18 Detail Distant Report Sample

19 Add-on tools 1.Fault Service Dispatch tool Allows fault service staff to locate location of faults complaint/reports using either meter number, pole number or consumer name Consumer location with location of the two fault service vehicles in real time

20 GIS data integration

21 Anti-Tamper Measures 1. Tamper Seals 2. Terminal Module

22 Detail Costing ItemDescriptionCost Samoatel1hr non stop tracking2.1 sene per vehicle 24 hr non stop tracking 50 sene per vehicle 31 days non stop tracking $15.50 per vehicle Digicel24hr non stop trackingNot tested yet ItemDescriptionCostFreightDuty X1 PlusGPS/GPRS Tracker Unit $160 USD or $410.15 Tala * $28 USD or $71 Tala $20 tala GPSGate License License to allow the X1 Plus unit to be tracked on the GPSGateServer Software (tracking software) $49USD or $125.61 tala * NA Sim Card Phone SimCard use in X1 Plus tracking unit to send location data to GpsGate Samoatel $30 tala Digicel $10 tala NA X1 Plus Hardware installation X1 Plus unit hardware must be install under the car dashboard for security reasons $230 tala **NA

23 Summary Costing 1.One – Off establishment cost $900 per vehicle (hardware, license, simcard, installation of tracking unit in vehicle, freight, duty&tax) 2.On going cost $4-14 max per vehicle per month (Samoatel GPRS cost) 1.1 MB GPRS bandwidth if Vehicle is track every 10 sec for 24hrs non stop i.e vehicle engine is on for 24hrs non stop Note : GPRS/Tracking unit will only be in use if vehicle engine is on

24 Future Additions of Church and Schools location on map/Geoserver SMS proxy for direct control of tracking units from GPSGateServer Fuel monitoring Detail vehicle use policy Field staff access

25 Conclusion We have achieve all system development aims. Overall the system cost us a total of $11,000 tala or $4700 tala in establishment minus the physical server. We have also achieve the system main goal of managing our fleet of vehicles

26 Questions?

27 Faafetai End

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