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 The Nucleus By Charles Taylor and Weston Gray Mr. Burton's Class.

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Presentation on theme: " The Nucleus By Charles Taylor and Weston Gray Mr. Burton's Class."— Presentation transcript:

1  The Nucleus By Charles Taylor and Weston Gray Mr. Burton's Class

2 Introduction  Typically when you make a PowerPoint, you start out with something boring that stops whoever is reading it to stop paying attention. I don’t believe in that.  So here is a PowerPoint about the nucleus and how NO LIFE ON EARTH COULD EXIST WITHOUT IT!  No, really the nucleus is a big thing in a small thing so focus.

3 What is it?  Essentially, a nucleus is the brain of the cell. It is the big boss that tells all the organelles what to do and when to do it. Like a lazy powerful person.  However, the nucleus isn’t lazy or unimportant. First of all, it houses among the most needed things for the creation of the cell.  One of those things is quite interesting. It’s called DNA. However, unlike those science fiction movies where they clone someone, the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is the database for the entire cell’s life. It doesn’t matter what kind of cell, every nucleus contains DNA.  It also houses the ribosome creating unit, which obviously creates ribosomes for the cell’s needs.

4 Why do we need it?  If our cells didn’t have nuclei, they would literally fall apart. The nucleus commands the organelles to preform their duty, it holds the DNA and many many other pieces that help run the cell. I do know that some cells don't need nuclei to survive, but they do rely on other cells which do contain nuclei to survive.  Don’t you see, if we didn’t have nuclei, I wouldn’t even be making this PowerPoint!  Every living cell (which goes for every living thing) relies on at least one nucleus to survive. Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and other assorted living things truly need this super important organelle just to live and do what they do.

5 Why bother?  Many people think/ask that question once or twice in their life. Or maybe a lot depending on what kind of person you are.  Modern sciences are based off of something. The more we know, the better we can do things. By studying many things or subjects, whether big or small (in this case very small), everything in our known universe can be learned by learning. Our learning is infinite. There is always more to be learned.  Maybe learning about nuclei more in depth may lead to preventing cancer by improving a certain nucleus. Maybe a new medicine can be made out of them. The world may never know.

6 The end CCongratulations. You are slightly more knowledgeable about cell nuclei. I hope. Once you learn something you are never able to unlearn it. So think about all this new stuff. It’s not going away anytime soon.

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