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BIROKRASI. PERKEMBANGAN Negara Hukum Formil  legalitas Negara Hukum Materiil  Freies Ermessen Negara menurut Weber: “the state is a human society that.

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Presentation on theme: "BIROKRASI. PERKEMBANGAN Negara Hukum Formil  legalitas Negara Hukum Materiil  Freies Ermessen Negara menurut Weber: “the state is a human society that."— Presentation transcript:


2 PERKEMBANGAN Negara Hukum Formil  legalitas Negara Hukum Materiil  Freies Ermessen Negara menurut Weber: “the state is a human society that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory”

3 BIROKRASI Alat kekuasaan bagi yang menguasainya. Alat kekuasaan untuk menjalankan keputusan- keputusan politik. Ruang Lingkup: – Sebagai tipe organisasi yang khas; – Sebagai suatu sistem; – Sebagai suatu tatanan jiwa tertentu dan alat kerja pada organ negara untuk mencapai tujuannya.

4 ASAS ASAS LEGALITAS – peraturan tertulis, penyebaran atau penggunaan peraturan, tidak berlaku surut, peraturan bisa dimengerti, tidak bertentangan satu sama lain, tidak menuntut diluar kemampuan orang, tidak sering berubah-ubah dan sesuai antara peraturan dan pelaksanaannya. Freies Ermessen – Kebebasan bertindak, tidak boleh menolak membuat keputusan dengan alasan tidak ada dasar hukumnya.

5 OTORITAS DALAM ORGANISASI Otorita tradisional mendasarkan diri pada pola pengawasan di mana legimitasi diletakkan pada loyalitas bawahan kepada atasan. Otorita kharismatik menunjukkan legimitasi yang didasarkan atas sifat-sifat pribadi yang luar biasa. Otorita legal rasional kepatuhan bawahan di dasarkan atas legalitas formal dan dalam yurisdiksi resmi.

6 BIROKRASI IDEAL WEBER (LEGAL RATIONAL) a hierarchical system of authority a systematic division of labors a clear specification of duties for anyone working in it clear and systematic disciplinary codes and procedures the control of operation through a consistent system of abstract rules a consistent applications of general rules to specific cases the selection of employees on the basic of objectively determined qualifications a system of promotion on the basis of seniority or merit, or both

7 KECENDERUNGAN The management style is authoritarian, and there is a high degree of control. There is little communication, and the management is usually an univocal, top-down one. Individuals search for stability, have limited scope for initiative, and are oriented towards obeying orders. The decision-making process is repetitive and centralized. There is reluctance to start innovative processes. There are high degrees of conformity. These beliefs are highly reluctant to change.

8 Civil Service Permanent Unity in diversity Sufficient Independent Ability Experience to advice, assist, and influence the decision.

9 FUNCTION To advice ministers upon policy matters. To manage the use of government resources. To make decision in individual cases under powers coffered by particular statutes. To carry out the day-to-day administration of government department.

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