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Lecture Ten Verb and Verb Phrase (VII). -ing participle Object He admitted making the mistake. I can ’ t resist bargaining. She always detested seeing.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture Ten Verb and Verb Phrase (VII). -ing participle Object He admitted making the mistake. I can ’ t resist bargaining. She always detested seeing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture Ten Verb and Verb Phrase (VII)

2 -ing participle Object He admitted making the mistake. I can ’ t resist bargaining. She always detested seeing a bullfight. She couldn ’ t help crying when she heard the news. We appreciate your inviting us to your party. I don ’ t mind John/John ’ s moving to another house. acknowledge, anticipate, delay, deny, imagine, give up, enjoy, include, miss, resent, can ’ t stand, can ’ t resist, etc She is fond of playing tennis.

3 Object complement I saw him running away. Cf. I saw him run away.

4 Subject Seeing is believing. Beating a child will do more harm than good

5 Subject complement My hobby is growing flowers.

6 Modifier of a noun He saw a sleeping child in the room. The problem being discussed is very important. a swimming pool a tiring journey

7 Adverbial Not knowing what to do, I phoned the police. Having worked for two hours, they took a rest. Working hard, you ’ ll make progress. Although toiling all the year round, the poor peasnt couldn ’ t afford to send his children to school.

8 Logical subject He suggested her/she/John/John ’ s applying for the job. I hope you will forgive me for ringing you up so late. I hope you will forgive my ringing you up so late. She accused hime of stealing the money. We must stop her from telling lies. You can never fool him into believing that lie of yours.

9 Infinitive or –ing participle begin, cease, continue, start I began to learn/learning English when I was twelve. They never cease to complain/complaining. They would continue to make/making a lot of noise until midnight every day. I began to like English when I was ten. He started to see my point. He ’ s beginning to chagne his habit. It ’ s no use continuing to complain.

10 Like, love, hate I like swimming, but I don ’ t like to swim now.

11 Deserve, need, require, want The car needs repairing/to be repaired. He didn ’ t deserve treating/to be treated that way.

12 Remember, forget, go on, stop Cf. I ’ ll remember to tell the news. I ’ ll remember telling her the news. Cf. He stopped talking to me. He stopped to talk to me.

13 Mean, regret, try We didn ’ t mean to hurt you. Success means working very hard. I regret to inform you that … I regret telling her the news. He tried to finish the work on his own. He tried growing vegetables but soon found it was impossible.

14 Advise, allow, encourage, permit, recommend My doctor advised me to do some morning exercises. Doctors advise doing more exercises. The government encourages people to use the public transportation. The governmetn encourages using the public transportation. She doesn ’ t allow him to smoke in the house. She doesn ’ t allow smoking in the house.

15 -ed participle Modifier The bird caught yesterday is a robin. We are making a study of spoken English. Cf. boiled water, boiling water frozen food, a freezing wind a recorded talk, a recording machine a fallen leave, a falling tide a retired teacher, a retiring teacher

16 -ed participles derived from transitive verbs a broken window a defeated army a developed country a finished project a wanted man

17 -ed participles derived from intransitive verbs newly-arrived tourists well-behaved pupils fallen leaves the risen sun retired workers

18 Subject complement He seemed/appeared well prepared for the debate. John was very disappointed. I feel very impressed when I visited the city. He went unpunished, although he was guilty. Agriculture has grown mechanized. She kept depressed until he came back. He remained drunk all the night.

19 Object complement He had the car repaired. We must get the work done as soon as possible. You ’ d better keep your mouth shut. We left a log of problems unsovled. Would you speak louder so as to make yourself heard?

20 Adverbial Written in simple English, the book is easy to read. Greatly surprised, he couldn ’ t say a word.

21 Cf. The fire was caused by a lighted match. The fire is lit/lighted. I met a drunken man. I found him dead drunk. Food that has rotted is rotten. The ship has sunk. It is a sunken ship. A clean-shaven man is a man who has shaved celan. Cf. He was born in 1980. The sound of music was borne on the wind.

22 I am/was gald to see you. Writing a report on the case will take up all my time next week. They ask him to give a lecture on English literature. He agreed to do it. I have/had no idea of his having done such a thing. I am/was sorry to have kept you waiting. Having finished my homework, I went/go out.

23 Dangling participles Entering the room, I found nobody in it. *Using these techniques, a wheel fell off. *Opening the cupboard, a skeleton fell out. Looking ahead to the weekend, temperatuer will be higher. Caught in a traffic jam, it is easy to lose patience. Having eaten our lunch, the car pusehd it s way through the tortuous canyon.

24 Given her interest in children/that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her. Considering the circumstances/the circumstances are so terrible, you have done very well. Seeing (that) the weather is bad, we ’ ll stay at home. Provided/providing ti is fine, we ’ ll have a good holiday.

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