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Transportation Tuesday TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY Loose lips sink ships, and loose loads are a danger on the road. Luggage and cargo inside your vehicle should.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Tuesday TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY Loose lips sink ships, and loose loads are a danger on the road. Luggage and cargo inside your vehicle should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Tuesday TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY Loose lips sink ships, and loose loads are a danger on the road. Luggage and cargo inside your vehicle should also be secured - they will become missiles if you are involved in an accident.

2 Transportation Tuesday pack loose items on a pallet, or tie them together to stop them moving around use nylon strappings instead of chains - they are stronger and more durable if the load isn’t packed in tight - use chocks to stop it moving around small loads on big trailers should be place near the back wheel CORRECTLY LASHING YOUR LOAD The load should not be higher than the vehicle cab be longer than the trailer (if it is you need to tie a marker onto it to warn other drivers) extend beyond the windscreen - otherwise it blocks your view

3 Transportation Tuesday IF YOU DON’T PACK CARGO SAFELY... vehicle movement, wind, etc. will loosen the load and make it even more dangerous items may fly off and cause accidents behind you your valuable cargo may be lost or damaged - who will be expected to pay? your vehicle will become unstable and difficult to steer as the weight or your cargo moves around If your cargo feels unstable... put on your hazard warning lights apply gentle brake pressure and come to a gradual stop at the side of the road check your mirrors for other traffic get out and check the damage - if you can’t fix it yourself, call for help do not move away until the cargo is properly lashed

4 Transportation Tuesday LOOSE CARGO INSIDE YOUR VEHICLE... It is a simple matter of physics that anything not tied down in a moving vehicle will continue to move forward at speed when you come to a sudden stop. Things in your car - hardhats, books, toys, etc. - will become missiles and can seriously injure you in an emergency stop. Passengers not wearing seatbelts in the back will fly forward and seriously injure people in the front. Major hazards on your dashboard –stickers (especially 3D stickers such as little furry animals) –tissue boxes –toys, bags of sweets If you are in an accident and your car has an airbag, the airbag will shoot whatever is on your dashboard into your face. The airbag may save you - but you could be seriously hurt by your decorations.

5 Transportation Tuesday YOUR MOST PRECIOUS CARGO You would not transport a crystal vase or delicate plant loose in their car … but every day we see babies and children jumping around and unprotected. Read and follow the instructions. Don’t secure your child in the front passenger side if your car has airbags. If you are in a crash and the bag opens, your child could be injured or worse. Never put a child in the luggage or hatchback compartment, unless in a safety seat specifically designed for that purpose. If you crash, and your child is not strapped in, you will NOT be STRONG enough or FAST enough to hold them. It’s a needless risk. Children should be properly secured in in an approved car seat - make sure it is right for their age and size. Lead by example - make sure your children buckle up every time

6 Transportation Tuesday

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