D EVELOPING THE C HAMPION W ITHIN Reach your full potential in life B RUCE P ITCHER F EBRUARY 18 TH, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "D EVELOPING THE C HAMPION W ITHIN Reach your full potential in life B RUCE P ITCHER F EBRUARY 18 TH, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 D EVELOPING THE C HAMPION W ITHIN Reach your full potential in life B RUCE P ITCHER F EBRUARY 18 TH, 2014


3 I T ALL STARTS WITH A TTITUDE Inherit vs. Choose Alter your life by altering your ATTITUDE How you respond to circumstances or events A TTITUDE =

4 W HY A TTITUDE ? It affects how you Look what you Say what you Do how you feel Physically how you feel Mentally how Successful you are in life

5 Y OUR A TTUTIDE D ETERMINES Y OUR T HOUGHTS ! “Watch your thoughts, they become your WORDS. Watch your words, they become your ACTIONS. Watch your actions, they become HABITS. Watch your habits, they become your CHARACTER. Watch your character, it becomes your DESTINY.” - Lao Tzu

6 T O LIVE A FULFILLED LIFE … Allow yourself to love and be loved. Build and value relationships Accept responsibility, lead courageously and enact justice on behalf of others. Practice the concepts of empathy, inclusion and integrity Learn the importance of serving others. Base your thoughts and actions on “What can I do for you?” Develop a cause beyond yourself. Try to leave the world a better place because you were there

7 5 S TEPS FOR S UCCESS 1. 1. Ignite the day! 2. 2. Toughness 3. 3. Respect 4. 4. Knowledge is Power 5. 5. Respond. Don’t react.

8 1 - I GNITE THE DAY ! Find a way to start your day off positively Act as if Smile, Say three positives comments before 10am

9 2 - T OUGHNESS Mental Be a competitor in life. Expect adversity and confront it head-on! Practice Discipline Physical Taking care of your body (sleep, nutrition)

10 3 - P RACTICE R ESPECT Focus on people Be likeable Show others that you care Remember names Walk slowly through the crowd Look for the good in people SMILE!!!!

11 3 - R ESPECT CONT. Having pride in your environment Your hygiene Your room Your car Your house or apartment Your workplace When you practice respect daily, you will grow respect for yourself!

12 4 - K NOWLEDGE IS P OWER Feed the mind daily Read Write Be a lifelong learner “ Learning is defined as a change in behavior. You haven't learned a thing until you can take action and use it ” Watch Listen

13 5 - R ESPOND RATHER THAN R EACT Lead by example Believe in the now Respond after success and after failure

14 And finally…

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