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Decision Making Setting Lifestyle Goals.  Name the seven steps in the decision-making process.  Explain how to use the decision-making process to choose.

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Presentation on theme: "Decision Making Setting Lifestyle Goals.  Name the seven steps in the decision-making process.  Explain how to use the decision-making process to choose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision Making Setting Lifestyle Goals

2  Name the seven steps in the decision-making process.  Explain how to use the decision-making process to choose a career.  Determine your values, interests, aptitudes, and abilities.  Explain the importance of a good self- concept in choosing a career.  Identify your personality and learning styles and match them to career choices.

3 1. The seven basic steps of the decision- making process  Define your needs and wants.  Analyze your resources.  Identify your choices.  Gather information.  Evaluate your choices.  Make a decision.  Plan how to reach your goal.

4 2. Lifestyle goals are the ways you want to spend your time, energy, and resources in the future. Ask yourself  What do you want to accomplish in life?  Where would you like to live? House, apartment, city, country  How do you want to spend your free time?  Do you want a lot of money or just enough to be comfortable?  Do you plan to have a family?

5 3. Your values are your beliefs and principles. 4. Six General Values  Responsibility means fulfilling obligations in a dependable and trustworthy way.  Relationships may cause you to allow you to work with people you like or to live near your family.

6  Compassion is caring deeply about people and their well-being. You may also feel compassion for other creatures.  Courage is the ability to overcome difficulties or to conquer fear or despair.  Achievement means you want to succeed.  Recognition means you want other people to appreciate and respect your accomplishments. You want to be rewarded for your work.

7 5. Interests are the things you enjoy doing? 6.Data refers to information, knowledge, ideas, facts, words, symbols, figures, and statistics.

8 7. An aptitude is a potential for learning a certain skill. 8. An ability is a skill you have already developed.

9 9. Personality is your unique combination of attitudes, behaviors, and characteristics. 10. The way you see yourself is your self- concept. 11. The different ways in which people naturally think and learn are called learning styles.

10  Identify what is important to you.  Keep an open mind.  Document your experiences and things that you learn about yourself.  Try new things, and don’t be afraid of failure.  View criticism as an opportunity to learn.

11 1. The different ways that people naturally think and learn are called A. goals B. decisions C. learning styles D. abilities

12 2 What is your aptitude? A. the way you approach people B. your potential for learning a certain skill C. your work ethic D. a skill you have developed

13 3. What are values? A. beliefs and principles B. career successes C. attitude and choices D. priorities

14  Chapter 2 Concentration game Chapter 2 Concentration

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