Mediterranean Sea Basin Checkpoint a user of EMODnet Chemistry N. Pinardi E. Clementi C. Panaroni INGV EMODnet Chemistry Data Products – Experts Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Mediterranean Sea Basin Checkpoint a user of EMODnet Chemistry N. Pinardi E. Clementi C. Panaroni INGV EMODnet Chemistry Data Products – Experts Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mediterranean Sea Basin Checkpoint a user of EMODnet Chemistry N. Pinardi E. Clementi C. Panaroni INGV EMODnet Chemistry Data Products – Experts Workshop – 19 June 2014, Split

2 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 Background: the ‘new vision’ 2 Change the present fragmented EU repositories of marine data with an interoperable sharing framework Move to a new paradigm where data are collected once and used for many purposes Optimize observation networks by showing how monitoring meets the needs of public and private users (CHECKPOINT)

3 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 Background 3 The EMODnet MedSea checkpoint is setting up a portal that will serve to quality assess, extract the synergies between and identify the gaps of the present monitoring data sets for the entire Mediterranean Sea. The data will be extracted from: -existing EMODnet thematic portals -Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Marine Service (GMES) -JRC Data Collection Framework for Fisheries -other initiatives existing at the national scale and European basin-wide scale

4 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 European common target architecture 4 observation and data collection sea basin checkpoints archiving at national and european data centres thematic assembly groups check data layers, ensure that the data from different groups are mutually compatible and available Integrate different information and layers to see how they produce relevant products for End-users and by this define Priorities for observing systems

5 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 Project aims 5 1)Carry out a literature survey on the existing Mediterranean Sea monitoring systems 2)Produce two Data Adequacy Reports on the fitness for purpose of the monitoring with respect to ‘ 7 Challenges’ 3)Develop an EMODnet MedSea Portal that will publish outputs for the 7 Challenges: Windfarm Siting Marine Protected Areas Oil Platform Leak Fishery Management Climate & Coastal Protection Marine Environment River Inputs COORDINATOR Partners ITALYFRANCESPAINGREECECYPRUS

6 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 EMODnet Checkpoint: end-to-end concept 6 Data Adequacy Report Copernicus EMODNET Data Coll Frame National DBs International DB Monitoring MPAs Oil platform Leak Fishery Manag Coast and climate Marine Env Wind Farm sit River inputs Applications Basin Checkpoints will realize an end-to-end process eliminating time to search for datasets, interconnecting the dataset to user applications (seven challenges) Basin Checkpoints will assess monitoring systems fitness for purpose on the basis of applications

7 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 Data Adequacy Reports 7

8 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 The Input data survey for classification 8 In order to summarize findings of previous studies of the adequacy of data in the Mediterranean Sea basin a series of actions have been carried out: 1.Definition of terminology according to the MFSD (ANNEXIII) 2. A template was organized to internally collect a list of required input data to the challenges 3. A method has been identified to classify the upstream data potentially used by the challenges and to establish their fitness for purpose by means of 7 'elements': 1. Characteristics definition (variable or GIS data set) and category; 2. Data source specification: provider, originating programme and dataset/dataset series; 3. Overview elements: production purpose, intended uses, processing level; 4. Spatial coverage; 5. Temporal coverage; 6. Accessibility; 7. ISO 19113 quality elements. The data will be catalogued and data availability, reliability and accuracy will be analysed

9 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 Challenges outputs 9

10 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 Challenge 2: Marine Protected Areas 10 REQUESTED OUTPUT Analyse the existing European network of marine protected areas (national and international sites) and determine whether the network constitute a representative and coherent network as described MSFD INPUT DATA NEEDED FROM CHEMISTRY Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column Pollutants in the water Chlorophyll concentrations in the water column Nutrient at the surface and at the bottom METHODOLOGY Collect and map environmental, ecological and socio-economic information in the Mediterranean Sea in order to map protected species, habitats and ecosystems and assess the effectiveness of MPAs networks under the Mediterranean regulation.

11 MedSea Challenge 6: Marine Environment 11 REQUESTED OUTPUT Produce data layers (gridded) showing: (a) Seasonal averages of eutrophication in the MedSea basin for past ten years (b) Change in eutrophication over past ten years (i.e. where eutrophication has reduced and where it has increased) INPUT DATA NEEDED FROM CHEMISTRY Marine water dissolved oxygen dissolved nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia) dissolved phosphorus total nitrogen (Tot_N) total phosphorus (Tot_P) silicates Chlorophyll (Chl) METHODOLOGY Collect and assess data relevant to the phenomenon of eutrophication characteristic of some areas of the Mediterranean Sea: such as rivers and urban/industrial/agricultural outfalls. Pollution by nutrients, happening in many coastal areas, is another subsidiary objective. EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014

12 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 Challenge 7: river inputs 12 REQUESTED OUTPUT (a)For each river bordering the sea basin, identify the country where it enters the sea and a time series of annual inputs from rivers of: water – sediment – total nitrogen – phosphates – eels (b) Produce monthly averages, maxima and minima for these parameters over the past ten years INPUT DATA NEEDED FROM CHEMISTRY dissolved nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia) dissolved phosphorus total nitrogen (Tot_N) total phosphorus (Tot_P) METHODOLOGY Due to gaps in data availability, time series for river fluxes will cover different time spans and include at least annual means. For the last 10 years (2000-2010), special efforts will be given on compilation of monthly averages, maxima and minima for water fluxes, sediment and water chemistry parameters.

13 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014

14 MedSea EMODnet Chemistry workshop, Split 19/06/2014 14

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