How We Can Help You. We have an exciting announcement for you! We recently joined a global alliance of consulting accountants who are focused on helping.

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Presentation on theme: "How We Can Help You. We have an exciting announcement for you! We recently joined a global alliance of consulting accountants who are focused on helping."— Presentation transcript:

1 How We Can Help You

2 We have an exciting announcement for you! We recently joined a global alliance of consulting accountants who are focused on helping small to mid sized business clients (like you) run more valuable, more profitable and more enjoyable businesses.

3 We are members of the Principa Alliance And we’ve selected you to be one of the first to learn about the different ways we can add value to your business using the truly unique analytical and consulting tools we’ve invested in for you. And this is just the tip of the iceberg...

4 So what does that mean for you? Simply put, that we intend to do so much more for you than simply ‘keep the score’. We work with you to identify areas in your business that are not realising their full potential and help you improve them to build a stronger, more valuable and profitable future. How our membership in the Principa Alliance will help you and your business…

5 1.Lack of business/management experience and ability 2.Inadequate, inaccurate or non-existent books and records 3.Inadequate sales (too few customers for too many competitors) Why do most small businesses fail to deliver on the vision their owners had for them?

6 Our goal is to help you grow your business Monitor and refine Evaluate your business health & current position Explore your business’ profit potential Identify improvement areas and develop a business improvement strategy Implement the Business Improvement Program

7 Here’s how we work with you – together we evaluate your current business position Evaluate Your Business Health and Current Position Financial Operations Marketing People Profit Quality of life for owners

8 We conduct an analysis of your business strengths and weaknesses Build on Strengths Maximise Opportunities Minimise effects of threats Divest – pull out of the market place Improve on weaknesses Opportunities Threats StrengthsWeaknesses S.W.O.T Matrix

9 We conduct an analysis of your business strategy External Factors Impacting Strategy Competition Physical Economy Social Patterns Technology Legal / Political EnvironmentEthics = Opportunities / Threats

10 We conduct an analysis of your business strategy Internal Factors Impacting Your Strategy Performance Physical ResourcesFinancial Resources Business Capabilities Human Resources = Strengths / Weaknesses

11 Together we learn where small improvements can make a dramatic difference to your business success Explore Your Business Potential We identify areas that can be improved and can add $$ to your bottom line profitability

12 We analyse your business operations - how can they be better? Operations Inputs People Capital Equipment Materials Transformation Process Outputs Goods Services

13 We analyse your sales and marketing processes – are you missing opportunities and losing profits ? Sales and Marketing Products Positioning Promotion Price

14 Your people drive your business success – do you have a successful people strategy? Your People Plan Recruiting and Selecting the Right Selecting the RightPeople Getting the Most From Your Team

15 We analyze your financial management strategy – are you utilising your capital investment to it’s maximum potential? Financial Management Costing and Pricing Budgeting and Cash Flow Business Funding

16 We explore the critical importance of being customer focused. Learn What Your Customers Are Really Buying Customers Buy Differences They Perceive!

17 Most business owners are so busy doing what the business does they don’t have time to build it or maximise their efforts Work ON not IN Your Business Most people workIN their business The key to success lies in workingON it

18 Very importantly, we’ll help you build a business that works without you – so that can choose not to if you want. Build a business that works without you If you build a business that doesn’t operate without you, you haven’t created a business. What you’ve created is a job

19 We help you implement business improvement strategies so your business is more valuable and more profitable… We Are Your Long Term Business Coach 1.Ongoing implementation and business management advice 2.Your external CF0 – performance monitoring and measurement 3.Internal systems development and business process enhancement 4.Customer service and team training

20 The Business Dashboard - With our groundbreaking technology, we put you in the drivers seat of your business. No more wondering or guessing how your business is tracking. With the Business Dashboard you’re in control – every single day. Your Business Name

21 With all that in mind, you may well be asking … Where do I start?

22 So where do you start …? Start by meeting with us for a FREE 1 hour consultation where we can explore your hidden business potential

23 Call now and talk with us about how we can help you build a truly amazing business. Visit us on the web at or Call us on 09 634 3150 to learn more about how we can help you make your business more valuable and more profitable.

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