MILLENNIUM LIBRARY SYSTEM Return on Investment (ROI) University of Pretoria Scenario Presented by Soekie Swanepoel & Anette Lessing GAELIC Show ‘n Tell,

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Presentation on theme: "MILLENNIUM LIBRARY SYSTEM Return on Investment (ROI) University of Pretoria Scenario Presented by Soekie Swanepoel & Anette Lessing GAELIC Show ‘n Tell,"— Presentation transcript:

1 MILLENNIUM LIBRARY SYSTEM Return on Investment (ROI) University of Pretoria Scenario Presented by Soekie Swanepoel & Anette Lessing GAELIC Show ‘n Tell, National Library, Pretoria, 9 September 2010

2 Agenda Introduction ROI measurement @Relevant UP Library strategies @Fitness for purpose Millennium Functions Millennium interoperability Gains from investment Conclusion Questions MILLENNIUM - RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) CLIENTS MILLENNIUM VISION/MISSION

3 MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment Standard formula: ROI calculations can be easily manipulated to suit the user’s purposes, and the result can be expressed in many different ways Introduction

4 Measurement: @Relevant UP Library strategies Enable Research Learning & teaching excellence E-Strategy Access to information MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT

5 Measurement: @Fitness for purpose Infrastructure to perform most library administrative & professional tasks Infrastructure to store and retrieve information MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT

6 Library function: Loans management/client services Overview MILLENNIUM SERVER DB Administration & Management Circulation Patron database ASSET CONTROL Client Services Issues Returns Renewals Fines Bills Blacklists Determine loan periods E-communication Holds E-Mail Notices Courtesy Overdues UP mainframe interoperability MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT

7 MILLENNIUM SERVER DB Administration & Management Acquisitions & Finances Circulation MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Library function: Procurement/Finances (E)-Ordering Vendor database Vendor performance stats Procurement Budget control E-resources Physical material Serials (E)-Receiving (E)-Claims

8 MILLENNIUM SERVER DB Administration & Management Serials mangement (E)-Orders (E)-Checkin (E)-Claiming (E)-Journals (E)-Invoicing Routing Subscriptions control Acquisitions & Finances Circulation Serials MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Library function: Subscription management

9 MILLENNIUM SERVER DB Administration & Management Bibliographic control MARC21 OCLC holdings LC Subject headings TOC Authority control MARC data downloads AACR2 Interoperability with OCLC URL LINKS to full text Acquisitions & Finances Circulation Serials Cataloguing MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Library function: Bibliographic Services

10 MILLENNIUM SERVER DB Administration & Management Web Access Management Control access to e-resources E-Journals E-databases E-Books E-Course Reserves E-Exams Licensing Statistics Copy right ClickUP (WebCT) Acquisitions & Finances Circulation Serials Cataloguing Authentication MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Library function: E-resources management

11 WebPAC: Window to the world Facilitate & integrate access to information and e-services E-Information E-Research E-Teaching & Learning Infrastructure for virtual library My Millennium functionalities Administration & Management MILLENNIUM DB Empower End Users WebPAC Web Public Access MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Library function: Online access

12 Cataloguing Acquisitions Budget Control E-Course Reserves Management info ASSET CONTROL ( Loans, notices…) Serials management MILLENNIUM Interoperability: Interfaces WEB2 E-Access Management Patron database MILLENNIUM DB Administration & Management E-Exams WebPAC OCLC & Sabinet Worldcat holdings MARC record down/UPloads Image Server Images on External server Vendor Interfaces EDI orders/invoicing/reports E-Checkin MARC record downloads PRIMO Portal (ExLibris) SFX Link Resolver, MetaLib Search Engine E-Journals/Databases Gateway WAM Authentication UP Mainframe Patron data downloads Blacklists Data exchange HTTP FTP SSH Z39.50 EDI XML METADATA MARC Protocols firewals ports MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT

13 Provides infrastructure for most library functions Provides infrastructure for end user access Provides management/strategic information Library Admin Library Prof Tasks Management Info millennium Interfaces Public access MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Gains from investment: Library operational functions

14 millennium MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Human resource management Task allocation Performance Collection management Vendor management Vendor performance Budget allocation Gains from investment: Strategic information Management Information millennium

15 E-journals E-exams millennium E-articles E-books E-course reserves MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Gains from investment: Library mission; e-services Millennium provides gateway to access e-resources

16 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CLIENTS MILLENNIUM VISION/MISSION MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT MILLENNIUM facilitates Access to information in support of research, study and teaching Gains from investment In conclusion

17 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MILLENNIUM RETURN ON INVESTMENT Questions Thank you UP strategic thrust - Excellence in support functions

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