Correcting Run-on Sentences

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Presentation on theme: "Correcting Run-on Sentences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Correcting Run-on Sentences
What is a run-on sentence? Correcting a run-on sentence Separate sentences Compound sentence Complex sentence Review A Review B

2 What is a run-on sentence?
Sometimes, when little kids tell a story, all their sentences run together—into one long “sentence.” And Daddy I saw an elephant Daddy it was real big it spit some water and we got some popcorn too I got to ride on the merry-go-round and . . . Sometimes, in writing, students do something similar.

3 What is a run-on sentence?
If your essay comes back from your teacher with this comment: Work on eliminating run--on sentences. What should you do to revise the essay? Where should you start?

4 What is a run-on sentence?
A run-on sentence is two or more complete sentences run together into one. Run-on sentences can be confusing because they do not show where one idea ends and another one begins. Examples Lightning flashes in our eyes thunder sounds in our ears. We cannot hear and see both at the same time, we sense these events separately.

5 What is a run-on sentence?
A complete sentence is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. Subject Verb The balloon rose slowly at first. The balloon rose slowly at first. The balloon rose slowly at first. Subject Verb Soon others joined it in the sky. Soon others joined it in the sky. Soon others joined it in the sky.

6 What is a run-on sentence?
Where are the complete sentences in the examples below? Lightning flashes in our eyes thunder sounds in our ears. We cannot hear and see both at the same time, we sense these events separately.

7 What is a run-on sentence
Grammar Gal Says... To figure out where one sentence ends and another begins, look for changes in the topic or idea. We cannot hear and see both at the same time, we sense these events separately. We cannot hear and see both at the same time, we sense the event twice in different ways. The second sentence is about experiencing one event as if it were two different events because we need to use different senses. The first sentence is about not being able to hear the thunder at the same time we see the lightning.

8 What is a run-on sentence?
Lightning flashes in our eyes thunder sounds in our ears. This run-on sentence is an example of a fused sentence. There is no punctuation between the two sentences. Sentence 1 Sentence 2

9 What is a run-on sentence?
We cannot hear and see both at the same time, we sense these events separately. This run-on sentence is an example of a comma splice. There is only a comma between the two sentences. , Sentence 1 Sentence 2

10 What is a run-on sentence?
Identify the complete sentences in the run-ons below. 1. Sculptors in Benin create detailed statues, they use the lost-wax process of casting. 2. The sculptor forms a figure from soil and water, after it has dried, the sculptor coats it with beeswax. 3. The sculptor heats bronze until it liquefies then the sculptor pours molten bronze into the mold.

11 What is a run-on sentence?
Identify the complete sentences in the run-ons below. 1. Sculptors in Benin create detailed statues, they use the lost-wax process of casting. Sculptors in Benin create detailed statues. They use the lost-wax process of casting.

12 What is a run-on sentence?
Identify the complete sentences in the run-ons below. 2. The sculptor forms a figure from soil and water, after it has dried, the sculptor coats it with beeswax. The sculptor forms a figure from soil and water. After it has dried, the sculptor coats it with beeswax.

13 What is a run-on sentence?
Identify the complete sentences in the run-ons below. 3. The sculptor heats bronze until it liquefies then the sculptor pours molten bronze into the mold. The sculptor heats bronze until it liquefies. Then the sculptor pours molten bronze into the mold.

14 What is a run-on sentence?
On Your Own Identify the following items as correct sentences (C) or run-ons (R). Be prepared to explain your answers. ___ 1. Exercise can increase the efficiency of your muscles, as well as your muscles’ strength and size. ___ 2. Aerobic exercise helps your heart pump more efficiently, then the number of blood vessels in your muscles increases. ___ 3. ATP is a complex molecule scientists consider it the cell’s fuel. [End of Section]

15 What is a run-on sentence?
Answers Identify the following items as correct sentences (C) or run-ons (R). Be prepared to explain your answers. ___ 1. Exercise can increase the efficiency of your muscles, as well as your muscles’ strength and size. ___ 2. Aerobic exercise helps your heart pump more efficiently, then the number of blood vessels in your muscles increases. ___ 3. ATP is a complex molecule scientists consider it the cell’s fuel. C R R

16 Correcting a run-on sentence
To fix a run-on sentence, you need to do one of two things: Cut it apart. Join it properly. OR

17 Correcting a run-on sentence
How you revise a run-on sentence depends upon the relationship you want to show between the ideas. If then ideas are NOT closely related make two sentences ideas ARE closely related make a compound sentence and ideas ARE equally important

18 Correcting a run-on sentence
How you revise a run-on sentence depends upon the relationship you want to show between the ideas. If ideas ARE closely related then make a complex sentence but the ideas are NOT equally important [End of Section]

19 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences Strategy 1: Make two sentences Break a run-on into two separate sentences when the ideas are not closely related or at least one sentence is long or complex or separate sentences flow better in the paragraph in which they appear Ernest Hemingway based many of his stories on his experiences during World War I. Before the United States entered the war, Hemingway worked as an ambulance driver for the Italian army. Ernest Hemingway based many of his stories on his experiences during World War I, before the United States entered the war, Hemingway worked as an ambulance driver for the Italian army.

20 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences Strategy 1: Make two sentences To make two separate sentences Put an end mark after the first complete sentence. Then, capitalize the first word of the next complete sentence. Next door to the school, a new building was under construction. Trucks and construction materials covered much of the parking lot. Next door to the school, a new building was under construction, trucks and construction materials covered much of the parking lot.

21 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences Revise the following run-on sentences by making each into two separate sentences. Naomi worked hard she was persistent. She tried different exercises her skills showed great improvement. 3. Naomi wanted to make the basketball team she practiced every afternoon. 4. Her practice paid off she made the team.

22 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences Revise the following run-on sentences by making each into two separate sentences. 1. Naomi worked hard. She was persistent.

23 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences Revise the following run-on sentences by making each into two separate sentences. 2. She tried different exercises. Her skills showed great improvement.

24 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences Revise the following run-on sentences by making each into two separate sentences. 3. Naomi wanted to make the basketball team. She practiced every afternoon.

25 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences Revise the following run-on sentences by making each into two separate sentences. 4. Her practice paid off. She made the team.

26 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences On Your Own Revise the following sentences by making each into two separate sentences. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. The weather was terrible yesterday we had to cancel band practice. 2. Next summer I will travel to Argentina on a study program the program requires students to stay with a local family. 3. Domestic canaries are usually yellow, if red peppers are part of their diet, canaries may be bright orange. [End of Section]

27 Correcting a run-on sentence
Separate sentences Answers Revise the following sentences by making each into two separate sentences. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. The weather was terrible yesterday. We had to cancel band practice. 2. Next summer I will travel to Argentina on a study program. The program requires students to stay with a local family. 3. Domestic canaries are usually yellow. If red peppers are part of their diet, canaries may be bright orange.

28 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Strategy 2: Make a compound sentence When the complete thoughts in a run-on sentence are closely related and are of equal importance, you may want to make a compound sentence. There are three common ways to make a compound sentence.

29 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses. Independent Clause We could drive to San Antonio on the freeway, Independent Clause or we could take the back roads.

30 Correcting a run-on sentence
An independent clause (or main clause) expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a sentence. An independent clause has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. Subject Verb We could drive to San Antonio on the freeway, We could drive to San Antonio on the freeway, We could drive to San Antonio on the freeway, Subject Verb or we could take the back roads. or we could take the back roads or we could take the back roads.

31 Correcting a run-on sentence
A subordinate clause (or dependent clause) does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a sentence. A subordinate clause has a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought. Subject Verb while they were studying in the library while they were studying in the library while they were studying in the library Subject Verb which grows in tropical climates which grows in tropical climates which grows in tropical climates

32 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Grammar Gal Says... The ideas in a compound sentence must be BOTH closely related AND of equal importance. If the ideas in a run-on sentence don’t meet both of these conditions, you need to find another way to revise the run-on sentence.

33 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Run-on They made the dangerous journey after dark, wolves lurked in the forests along the trail. Grammar Gal Says... These two ideas are not closely related. Two separate sentences would work well in this case. They made the dangerous journey after dark. Wolves lurked in the forests along the trail. Revised

34 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Strategy 2: Make a compound sentence You can make a run-on sentence into compound sentence by using a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Jaya ran to catch the train, but she missed it by two minutes. Jaya ran to catch the train she missed it by two minutes.

35 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence A coordinating conjunction joins words or groups of words that are used in the same way. The mnemonic FANBOYS can help you remember the coordinating conjunctions. Grammar Gal Says... For And Nor But Or Yet So

36 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Strategy 2: Make a compound sentence You can make a run-on sentence into a compound sentence by using a semicolon. Jaya ran to catch the train; she missed it by two minutes. Jaya ran to catch the train she missed it by two minutes.

37 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Strategy 2: Make a compound sentence You can make a run-on sentence into a compound sentence by using a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb followed by a comma. Jaya ran to catch the train; however, she missed it by two minutes. Jaya ran to catch the train she missed it by two minutes.

38 Correcting a run-on sentence Common Conjunctive Adverbs
Compound sentence Common Conjunctive Adverbs also incidentally next anyway indeed nonetheless besides instead otherwise consequently likewise still finally meanwhile then furthermore moreover therefore however nevertheless thus Conjunctive adverbs express specific relationships between ideas. Be sure to choose the conjunctive adverb that most clearly expresses what you want to say.

39 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Revise the following run-on sentences by making each one into a compound sentence. 1. The tire was flat I got the spare tire and the jack out of the trunk. 2. The surface of the planet Mars can be seen through a telescope it appears reddish in color. 3. Despite my good intentions, I started my homework late I still had enough time to study for the test. 4. Derek went to the library to do research he forgot to check out the book he needed.

40 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Revise the following run-on sentences by making each one into a compound sentence. 1. The tire was flat, so I got the spare tire and the jack out of the trunk.

41 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Revise the following run-on sentences by making each one into a compound sentence. 2. The surface of the planet Mars can be seen through a telescope; it appears reddish in color.

42 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Revise the following run-on sentences by making each one into a compound sentence. 3. Despite my good intentions, I started my homework late; however, I still had enough time to study for the test.

43 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Revise the following run-on sentences by making each one into a compound sentence. 4. Derek went to the library to do research, but he forgot to check out the book he needed.

44 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence On Your Own Revise the following run-on sentences by making each into one into a compound sentence. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. This book is taking a long time to read the characters are really interesting. 2. Send me an about the club meeting I might not remember to come. Karla is making a fruit salad for the party I’ll bring some raw vegetables and dip. 4. Maya trained hard all summer she won her event in the cross-country meet.

45 Correcting a run-on sentence
Compound sentence Possible Answers Revise the following run-on sentences by making each one a compound sentence. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. This book is taking a long time to read, but the characters are really interesting. 2. Send me an about the club meeting; otherwise, I might not remember to come. Karla is making a fruit salad for the party; I’ll bring some raw vegetables and dip. 4. Maya trained hard all summer, and she won her event at the cross-country meet.

46 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Strategy 3: Make a complex sentence When the complete thoughts in a run-on sentence are closely related but are not equally important, you may want to make a complex sentence.

47 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause. Independent Clause Subordinate Clause Please read this article, which is about butterflies. Subordinate clause Independent Clause After you read the article, we will go to the lab.

48 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Strategy 3: Make a complex sentence Bats are usually harmless creatures, some people think they are dangerous. Step 1: Break the run-on into two independent clauses. Bats are usually harmless creatures. Some people think they are dangerous.

49 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Strategy 3: Make a complex sentence Step 2: Decide which idea is more important (or which idea you want to emphasize). The more important idea will be the independent clause in the sentence. If you want to focus on… Use this as your independent clause. the harmlessness of bats Bats are usually harmless creatures. some people’s fear of bats Some people think they are dangerous.

50 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Strategy 3: Make a complex sentence Step 3: Make the less important clause a subordinate clause. Subordinate Clause = LESS important idea Although bats are usually harmless creatures, some people think they are dangerous. Independent Clause = MORE important idea A subordinating conjunction begins this subordinate clause and connects it to the independent clause.

51 Correcting a run-on sentence Common Subordinating Conjunctions
Complex sentence Common Subordinating Conjunctions after how though although if unless as in order that until as if provided when as much as since whenever as though so that where because than wherever before that while A subordinating conjunction begins a subordinate clause and connects it to an independent clause.

52 Correcting a run-on sentence Complex sentence
A subordinating conjunction may come between the clauses it joins or at the beginning of the sentence. Grammar Gal Says... We celebrated after we won the election. After we won the election, we celebrated. When a subordinating conjunction begins a sentence, use a comma after the subordinate clause.

53 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Revise the following run-on sentences using the subordinating conjunction in parentheses. 1. She invited her friends to dinner, Lola began preparing the meal. (after) 2. She chopped some onion and green pepper the beans were simmering. (while) 3. The beans were ready, everyone sat down at the table to eat. (when) 4. Lola had worked hard her friends cleaned up the kitchen. (since)

54 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Revise the following run-on sentences using the subordinating conjunction in parentheses. 1. After she invited her friends to dinner, Lola began preparing the meal.

55 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Revise the following run-on sentences using the subordinating conjunction in parentheses. 2. She chopped some onion and green pepper while the beans were simmering.

56 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Revise the following run-on sentences using the subordinating conjunction in parentheses. 3. When the beans were ready, everyone sat down at the table to eat.

57 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Revise the following run-on sentences using the subordinating conjunction in parentheses. 4. Her friends cleaned up the kitchen since Lola had worked hard.

58 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence On Your Own Revise the following run-on sentences by making one of the clauses into a subordinate clause. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. The baseball game was stopped in the seventh inning heavy lightning began. 2. I got up early this morning, I was still late for school. The Spanish explorer Cortes landed in Mexico, he and his men marched to the Aztec capital. 4. The baby stopped crying his mother fed him a bottle. On Your Own [End of Section]

59 Correcting a run-on sentence
Complex sentence Possible Answers Revise the following run-on sentences by making one of the clauses into a subordinate clause. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. The baseball game was stopped in the seventh inning because heavy lightning began. 2. Although I got up early this morning, I was still late for school. 3. After the Spanish explorer Cortes landed in Mexico, he and his men marched to the Aztec capital. 4. The baby stopped crying when his mother fed him a bottle.

60 Review A Identify the following items as correct sentences (C) or run-ons (R). Be prepared to explain your answers. ___ 1. Elizabeth Blackwell was born in 1821, she died in ___ 2. Her family was poor, she and her mother started a boarding school. ___ 3. A friend encouraged her to become a doctor, at first, she rejected this suggestion. ___ 4. Graduating at the head of her class in 1849, she became the first woman in the U.S. to earn an M.D. ___ 5. She did graduate work in Europe she established a hospital in New York that was staffed by women. [End of Section]

61 Review A Identify the following items as correct sentences (C) or run-ons (R). Be prepared to explain your answers. ___ 1. Elizabeth Blackwell was born in 1821, she died in ___ 2. Her family was poor, she and her mother started a boarding school. ___ 3. A friend encouraged her to become a doctor, at first, she rejected this suggestion. ___ 4. Graduating at the head of her class in 1849, she became the first woman in the U.S. to earn an M.D. ___ 5. She did graduate work in Europe she established a hospital in New York that was staffed by women. R R R C R

62 Review B Revise each run-on sentence by making two separate sentences, a compound sentence, or a complex sentence. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. The transcontinental railroad was being built during the 1850s, cheap labor was in great demand. 2. Chinese immigrants came seeking prosperity, they found only hard work and discrimination. 3. Ten thousand laborers built the Union Pacific Railroad, nine thousand of them were Chinese. 4. The railroad builders favored Chinese immigration when they needed laborers that changed when the railroads were finished. [End of Section]

63 Review B Possible Answers
Revise each run-on sentence by making two separate sentences, a compound sentence, or a complex sentence. Be prepared to explain your answers. 1. When the transcontinental railroad was being built during the 1850s, cheap labor was in great demand. 2. Chinese immigrants came seeking prosperity, but they found only hard work and discrimination. 3. Ten thousand laborers built the Union Pacific Railroad; nine thousand of them were Chinese. 4. The railroad builders favored Chinese immigration when they needed laborers; however, that changed when the railroads were finished.

64 The End

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