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Mental illness is the most stigmatizing & disabling abnormality found in humans.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental illness is the most stigmatizing & disabling abnormality found in humans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental illness is the most stigmatizing & disabling abnormality found in humans

2 1) Define mental health, mental Illness, and the wellness continuum 2) Compare & contrast neurotic and psychotic disorders and discuss etiologies of each 3) Differentiate between effective and ineffective coping 4) Identify main defense mechanisms

3  What is mental health?  What is illness?

4 Mental Health Ability to: 1) Be flexible 2) Be successful 3) Form close relationships 4) Make appropriate judgments & problem solve 5) Cope with daily stress 6) Have a positive self concept or image

5 Mental Illness Impaired ability to: 1) Think &/or feel 2) Make appropriate judgments 3) Adapt and cope with reality 4) Forming close personal relationships

6 Mental Health/Illness Continuum Ebb and flow Emotional balance or homeostasis Mentally healthy individuals are able to keep stress in perspective and employ healthy coping mechanisms.

7 Mental Health/Illness Continuum Mental Health  Neurosis  Psychosis

8 Neurosis An unconscious conflict that produces prolonged stress and anxiety leading to a maladaptive use of coping mechanisms. The individual is capable of performing ADLs. A maladaptive psychological disorder that affects behavior, mood, or personality.

9 Psychosis A mental disorder characterized by a loss of contact with reality. This may be evidenced by bizarre behaviors, delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech patterns. Present with disorders such as substance withdrawal or abuse, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders.

10 Etiologies of Mental Illness Nature vs. nurture Organic vs. inorganic Connections between emotional and physical health are closely intertwined Many physical disorders may mimic mental disorders Psychoanalytic vs. psychobiological approaches

11 Psychoanalytic Factors Social, cultural, environmental, spiritual Psychobiological Factors CNS, Neurotransmitter levels, hyper or hypothyroidism, electrolyte imbalances, drug effects Many physical disorders can mimic mental disorders: testing to rule out / confirm disorders

12 Categorizing Mental Disorders Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)  American Psychiatric Association  Universal diagnosis criteria  Provides diagnostic guidelines and standards  Provides a numeric ICD code

13 Global Assessment Functioning  Handout  Used by Mental health workers to assign an over-all numeric value to adult functioning.  Social, psychological, & occupational factors  Score is most often given as a range

14 GAF: Critical Thinking For each of the situations, determine the GAF range that would be assigned. 1) Marvin has had intermittent episodes of lethargy and inattentiveness over the past year. He reported frequent disagreements with his spouse during this time. Last week he and his spouse made the decision to divorce. Marvin’s supervisor reports that on occasions he appears to have difficulty concentrating and falls behind with his work.

15 GAF: Critical Thinking 2) Ms. Muffit is a 36 y/o who was dismissed from her third job this year. Her family reports that she has no real friends. She was arrested for shoplifting 3 months ago and her family suspects that she continues to shop lift. Ms. Muffit now reports that she has been contemplating suicide.

16 Mini-Mental Exam Hand-out 30 Point Questionnaire Measures presence & severity of cognitive deficits Simple questions & problems related to time & place, repeating lists of words, serial sevens, comprehension, & basic motor skills

17 Mini-Mental Exam Severity ranges: 27-30: normal cognition 25-27: Borderline impairment 19-24: Mild impairment 10-18: moderate impairment 9 or <: Severe impairment Must first differentiate cognitive disorders from psychiatric disorders before diagnoses can be determined. View Video

18 Practice Activities Identify which axis each of the following would apply to: DivorcedHypertensionGAF 61-70 Major depressive disorder Unemployed Borderline personality disorder SchizophreniaSocial phobia Rheumatoid arthritis

19  Guided Reading Activity (handout)  Review Activity

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