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W HAT IS H ORTICULTURE ??. W HAT IS IT TO Y OU ! Take a couple minutes with the neighbor at your table and write a list of items you use everyday which.

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Presentation on theme: "W HAT IS H ORTICULTURE ??. W HAT IS IT TO Y OU ! Take a couple minutes with the neighbor at your table and write a list of items you use everyday which."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT IS IT TO Y OU ! Take a couple minutes with the neighbor at your table and write a list of items you use everyday which are byproducts of the Horticulture Industry. Keep thinking of items until I say STOP!!

3 H ORTICULTURE I S … –noun  the cultivation of a garden, orchard, or nursery; the cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants. 2. the science and art of cultivating such plants.

4 F LORICULTURE the science and practice of growing, harvesting, storing, designing and marketing flowering plants.

5 O LERICULTURE –noun the cultivation of vegetables for the home or market.

6 P OMOLOGY the science and practice of growing, harvesting, storing, processing and marketing tree grown fruits.

7 L ANDSCAPING /N URSERY The industry that deals with the science and practice of propagation (reproducing), growing, planting, maintaining, and using grasses, annuals, shrubs and trees Nursery: a place where young trees or other plants are raised for transplanting, for sale, or for experimental study. Landscape: the layout of the young plants grown in a nursery operation


9 B IOLOGY The science that deals with both plants and animal organisms and life processes.

10 Z OOLOGY The science or branch of biology dealing with animals.

11 B OTANY The science of plants; the branch of biology that deals with plant life.

12 A GRONOMY The science of soil management and the production of field crops.

13 F ORESTRY the science and practice of growing, managing and harvesting trees for building materials and other products. the process of establishing and managing forests; forestation.

14 A NNUAL Plants that only live for one growing season (ex. Beans, corn)

15 B IENNIALS Plants that live for two growing seasons. Typically do not flower until second season.

16 P ERENNIALS Having a life cycle last two or more years.

17 E VERGREEN Plants that remain green year round

18 D ECIDUOUS Plants which lose their functional leaves during dormant season.

19 P ROJECT ! Divisions Brochure: You are to create a brochure which is pleasing to the eye. It must contain 6 panels, 5 of which are of the horticulture divisions, and 1 is about you. Each panel must have at least 5 pictures. Under each picture there should be a label of that division and some way to define the word the pics are describing. Creativity counts! (5 pts per def., 5 pts. per label, 5 pt. Per pic, 15 pts personal information and 10 pts creative.) TOTAL PTS: 100 pts

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