C 2.1 S 26. Audio script and answers C 2.2 1 have a shower 2 have breakfast 3 go to school 4 have lunch 5 play football 6 go home 7 have dinner 8.

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1 C 2.1 S 26



4 Audio script and answers C 2.2 1 have a shower 2 have breakfast 3 go to school 4 have lunch 5 play football 6 go home 7 have dinner 8 do homework 9 go to bed C 2.2

5 always usually sometimes always usually often never C 2.3

6 Audio script and answers C 2.3 Jack: I usually get up early at 7 o’clock and I always have a shower. Then I have breakfast. I usually have cereal and toast, but I sometimes have bacon and eggs – but only if I’m really hungry! I’m always late for school because I usually take my dog, Emi, for a walk before school! I love my dog! I often play football with my friends after school and then I do my homework! I never go to bed early because I play computer games and watch TV!


8 C 2.4 S 27 C 2.4 S 27


10 Audio script C 2.5 speaks goes Studies watches misses finishes flies relaxes loves C 2.5

11 Audio script and answers C 2.6 /s/ speaks /z/ goes, loves, flies / I z/ studies, finishes, watches, misses, relaxes C 2.6


13 Audio script and answers C 2.7 B It’s eight o’clock. 1 A It’s ten past eight. 2 D It’s eight fifteen. 3 G It’s half past eight. 4 E It’s a quarter to nine. 5 H It’s five to nine. 6 F It’s a quarter past nine. 7 C It’s nine thirty. C 2.7


15 7.30 9 3.30 1 2 Saturday 11 Sunday mornings 10.30 C 2.8

16 Audio script and answers C 2.8 Natalie lives in Sydney, Australia. She gets up early at 7 o’clock. She has breakfast at 7.30. She usually has cereal and a glass of orange juice. School starts at 9 and finishes at 3.30. Natalie has lunch at school. Lunchtime is at 1. At 2 she has a music lesson. She plays the piano for the school band. She plays tennis on Saturday at 11 a.m. She loves sport! Natalie has got a brother. His name is Jim. Jim goes to the beach on Sunday mornings at 10.30. He meets his friends and they play beach volleyball.


18 base he she it

19 play get up reads lives help

20 o sh x -es -y -ies ss

21 finishes goes kisses studies watches



24 at on in

25 at In in On

26 C 2.9

27 Audio script and answers C 2.9 Hello! My name’s Chad. I’m 12 years old. I go to Garden City Junior High School in Washington DC. I’m in 7th grade. I go to school from Monday to Friday. During the week I usually get up at 7.15 a.m. I have breakfast – orange juice and pancakes. School starts at 8.15 and finishes at 3.15 p.m. I like school – I see my friends and we always chat at break time. My favourite subject is science. At lunchtime I usually eat in the school cafeteria. On Saturdays I get up at 7.00 a.m! I deliver newspapers in the morning. It’s called a ‘paper route’. My favourite day is Sunday. On Sundays I always relax. I watch baseball on TV with my dad.




31 my mum Nene live is there is children go play miss the capital am

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