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What links the key words above?

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Presentation on theme: "What links the key words above?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What links the key words above?
The Storm troopers The Brown shirts Sturm Abteilung The SA Word SMART starter What links the key words above?

2 Sturm Abteilung- The SA, The Brown shirts or the Storm troopers

3 The SA were the private army of the Nazi Party.
This is not to be confused with the German army which had been limited to 100,000 soldiers following the Treaty of Versailles. Many unemployed soldiers and freikorps found the prospect of the SA very appealing, it gave them a sense of purpose. They are provided with food and sometimes homes in the SA hostels. They were highly organised and wore brown shirts which had been originally intended to be used by the German soldiers in Africa. They marched through the streets before Nazi meetings carrying swastika flags and accompanied by military bands. The role of the SA was to make sure that nobody disrupted Nazi Party meetings. After meetings in which Hitler spoke, the SA often responded with acts of violence against Jews and left wing supporters. They were also used to disrupt other political party meetings and to intimidate opponents. To many the SA were seen as Hitlers hired thugs and many people were put off by their actions, others were impressed by their organisation. Hitler said “we must struggle with ideas, but if necessary also with fists.”

4 Ernst Roehm The SA were led by Ernst Roehm.
Roehm had fought and had been wounded 3 timed during World War One. He had been alongside Hitler and arrested during the Munich Putsch Henrich Himmler led them between 1925 and 1931. Roehm returned in 1931 and led the SA until 1934. By 1934 the SA had grown to 4.5 million members! Ernst Roehm

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