+ RtII – Interventions Module Champions. + Norms Cell phones off or on “Vibrate” Respect other’s opinions One speaker at a time.

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Presentation on theme: "+ RtII – Interventions Module Champions. + Norms Cell phones off or on “Vibrate” Respect other’s opinions One speaker at a time."— Presentation transcript:

1 + RtII – Interventions Module Champions

2 + Norms Cell phones off or on “Vibrate” Respect other’s opinions One speaker at a time

3 + Agenda RtII Brief Overview Changes to RtII Process Data Analysis Creating plans Plan Maintenance

4 + Objectives Participants will be able to successfully navigate the Interventions Module Participants will be able to create and maintain plans Participants will understand the purpose of the Interventions Module

5 + RtII Overview Proactive Student Support Process for General Education Students Identify Address Monitor Revisit

6 + Levels Level 1 – Classroom Instruction (All Students) Level 2 – Additional Intervention (~15% of Students) Level 3 – Intensive Intervention (~5% of Students) Levels 2 and 3 are in conjunction with Level 1 instruction.

7 + Math will be added BHS - Will include: Attendance (Days Absent) Behavioral/Mental Health / SAP (BHS) Student Discipline (Suspension) Interventions address Root cause BHS Days Absent Suspension Math Reading RtII Changes

8 + Data Analysis Various data points Unaddressed Student Report (Eligibility report) Early Warning Indicators (EWI) report Screeners Grades Locate Anecdotal/Observational notes SCN Attendance Suspension / Pink Slip data

9 + Group / Individual Plans Group plans are for Academic plans Created through the Classroom module Individual plans are for BHS plans Created through the Interventions module

10 + Why Schoolnet Interventions Module? Monitor the progress of intervention success To maintain records for providing students with additional support Mobility / Accessibility Accountability

11 + Schoolnet Online Training Site Data on site is Real Plans created will NOT appear on the Regular Schoolnet site Please enter the following site: http://philatraining.schoolnet.com

12 + New Champion Dashboard

13 + Configure Dashboard Limit the students to reflect your case load

14 + Early Warning Indicator (EWI) Report Displays all students in class Aids in monitoring IEP and ELL students Review academic data for signs of distress / acceleration Review behavioral data for signs of distress Identify students for early intervention

15 + Early Warning Indicator (EWI) Report Points to consider: Student’s starting point Student’s progress External factors Data bias EWI as Administrator EWI as Teacher

16 + Unaddressed Students List

17 + Unaddressed Student Report Attendance – 3 unexcused absences Student Discipline – 3 Suspensions Reading Grades K-3 “F” and off target reading level Grades 4-12 “F” in subject Math “F” in the subject

18 + Unaddressed Students Report Points to Consider Duration of student on the list Students with multiple triggers Academic vs Behavior History Plans created from this screen are all considered individual plans

19 + Searching Searching for plans Searching for student’s with plans Searching

20 + Student Plan Search Method 1 Looking student up using the student search field Using the Interventions tab from the student profile Method 2 Using the search feature in the Interventions Module

21 + Student Plan Search Start with student profile

22 + Student Plan Search Plan of a student with a plan but user not allowed to view Student with no plan

23 + Plan Roles RoleStart PlansManage PlanEdit PlanAdd InformationView Plan Plan Creatorx Case Managerxxxx Any Team Memberxx Intervention Provider xx Progress Monitorxx Various roles have certain access to the plans

24 + Renaming Plans

25 + Find plan on list, click on plan name Click on the “edit” link

26 + Renaming Plans

27 + Editing Plan Criteria If plan criteria changes, discontinue current intervention Re-assign same intervention with new criteria This will prevent multiple tasks

28 + Reports Reports to accompany Dashboards Group & Individual configured

29 + Notes Notes – Using the notes tab, ensures that notes will be part of the plan printout Note may have attachments All plan member may add notes

30 + Creating Individual Plans Creating plans from Unaddressed List Creating plans from BHS referral dialogue box

31 + Creating Individual Plans Search last name of student Select student from list Complete student strengths Check the box if the plan is SAP related

32 + Creating Individual Plans

33 + Contact Jan Tong jtong@philasd.org Janicka Newbill jnewbill@philasd.org

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