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History / SDP Snapshot  SY 2012-2013 141,933 K-12 Students / 9,552 teachers / 242 public schools / 471 Principals & Assistant Principals  SY 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "History / SDP Snapshot  SY 2012-2013 141,933 K-12 Students / 9,552 teachers / 242 public schools / 471 Principals & Assistant Principals  SY 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 History / SDP Snapshot  SY 2012-2013 141,933 K-12 Students / 9,552 teachers / 242 public schools / 471 Principals & Assistant Principals  SY 2013-2014 139,151 K-12 Students / 8,800 teachers / 218 public schools / 213 Principals & 45 Assistant Principals (263) 2

3 Project Overview  Unify the District RtII Leadership Team  Provide PD for 240 schools  Implement RtII for 240 schools  Address the Issue with Interventions  Establish a Common Universal Screener 3

4 Implementation Collaborative Leadership SY 2011-2012 (pg. 1) Special services, student discipline, attendance, curriculum, technology, research & evaluation, counseling and behavioral health SY 2012-2013 (pg. 2) Expanded to include parent & family services, multilingual curriculum & programs, Early Childhood Education, High School 4

5 Implementation Professional Development Phase 1: What is RtII? Regional / Central Principals Leadership Conference Phase 2: Strategies & Interventions RtII Champions Workshop Day (pgs. 3-6) Phase 3: How Do I Continue Implementing RtII Successfully? 5

6 Implementation Tools for Implementation SY 2012-2013 RtII Manual Administrators Guide for RtII Implementation RtII Implementation Plan & School Leadership Team (pgs. 7-10) RtII Resource Portal RtII Resources for Implementation SY 2013-2014 RtII Toolkit (packet) Critical Timeline for Effectiveness (pgs. 11, 12) 6

7 7 Pyramid RtI Assessment & Grading for Student Achievement Supporting Struggling Students Motivating and Engaging Students RtII Champions Turn Around Training Model Universal Screeners - Use What We Have RFP to prepare for next school year (pgs. 13-17) RFP Committee & Rubric CONCERNS…

8 8 Usual / Empowerment Schools 108 Guiding Document (pgs. 19, 20) Michael Rettig Guidelines (pgs. 21, 22) Highly Recommended RFQ CONCERNS…

9 Surveys Midyear Survey Interventions Champions Workshop Day FAQs (pgs. 23, 24) PD Site Visits KDS Pearson RtII Facilitators Data 9

10 Enhancements 2013-2014  Behavior Health Support  Collection of Tier 1-3 support  Increased /Scaffold PD  Online Interventions Module User-Friendly.  Policy Improvements  Strategies Manual 10

11 THANK YOU! Janicka Newbill 215-400-6784 Maurice West 215-400-5442 11

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