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Example of Strategy 20 April 2012, Vänersborg Session 3: International relations strategies Region Västra Götaland Annual strategy 2012 (subject to approval.

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Presentation on theme: "Example of Strategy 20 April 2012, Vänersborg Session 3: International relations strategies Region Västra Götaland Annual strategy 2012 (subject to approval."— Presentation transcript:

1 Example of Strategy 20 April 2012, Vänersborg Session 3: International relations strategies Region Västra Götaland Annual strategy 2012 (subject to approval by the Regional Executive Board)

2 To which specific political needs/priorities does the strategy respond to? European decision-making Geography Globalization The regional authority responsible for development in a globalized coastal border region in the EU must work with an international perspective!

3 What is the structure of the strategy? Annual ”action plan” approved by the Regional Executive Board Based on the long-term International Policy (adopted by the Regional Council)

4 What are its key elements? i.e the concrete actions to be developed through the strategy - Follow and influence European decision-making - Strengthen the region’s position in Brussels - Use our membership in European organisations efficiently - Lead or participate in strategic European projects - Attract European meetings to Västra Götaland - Co-ordinate our action in Scandinavian organisations - Develop the co-operation with Norway and Denmark - Involve national and European level in North Sea issues - Promote participation in Baltic Sea cooperation - Strengthen, in cooperation with other actors, structures for global exchange - Participate in national promotional activities abroad

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