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RegGov: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of Deprived Urban Areas Improving the impact of territorial co-operation on local policies.

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Presentation on theme: "RegGov: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of Deprived Urban Areas Improving the impact of territorial co-operation on local policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 RegGov: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of Deprived Urban Areas Improving the impact of territorial co-operation on local policies – Networking for change Brigitte Grandt | City of Duisburg (DE) | Lead Partner Nicoleta Lasan | City of Satu Mare (RO) | Partner City Bruessels | 20 May 2010

2 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 2 RegGov – Regional Governance: Working in Partnership - 1 Efficient co-operation and a high level of trust between cities and regional authorities have become a decisive factor in the successful development, implementation and funding of integrated urban development policies. Governance is the core element of all integrated development and regeneration strategies and programmes. A successful and sustainable regeneration of disadvantaged neighbourhoods has become more and more a matter of co- operation and partnership.

3 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 3 RegGov – Regional Governance: Working in Partnership - 2 New models of urban governance are needed to cope with urban problems and challenges. The main objective is to improve the horizontal and vertical co-operation, and to provide all regional and local actors with the know-how and tools to develop and implement neighbourhood regeneration strategies. The strategic involvement and co-operation can help to create a stronger sense of motivation and responsibility of all involved actors - for the development, implementation and funding of regeneration strategies.

4 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 4 Horizontal Co-operation The challenge is to motivate and activate local communities and citizens to take an active role in the improvement of their housing and living conditions. The RegGov network is testing new organisational and financial tools and creative methods of participation. This enlarges the capacity of co-operation between the public sector and the local communities. RegGov develops comprehensive local partnerships with all relevant actors who can contribute to the success of a regeneration or development strategy. National/regional institutions, urban key players and local stakeholders are part of Local Support Groups in each partner city.

5 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 5 Vertical Co-operation With a growing focus on area-based programmes, the role of regions as Managing Authorities for the Operational Programmes has become more crucial for European initiatives. RegGovs aim is to strengthen the regional level as crucial partner in urban policy and to develop good ways of vertical co-operation with the cities as an important element of the partnership.

6 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 6 Added value for the cities Exchange of know-how, discussion on experiences, learning from good practice examples and the elaboration of common positions Improvement of competitiveness of the region, better and more qualified applications for funding from the cities more efficient communication between city-networks and Managing Authorities Added value for the regions

7 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 7 First results from RegGov The co-operation between Managing Authorities and cities as well as the regional co-operation between the cities are requirements for a successful and efficient funding. The creation of networks between programme areas in cities and regions as Learning Communities has a clear added value for the local programmes and strategies in the single cities.

8 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 8 Practice from North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) – the Regional Socially Integrative City Network

9 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 9 RegGov Overview on Local Action Plans 5 Local Action Plans are submitted, but not yet approved [Satu Mare (Romania), Köbanya (Hungary), Duisburg (Germany), Nijmegen (Netherlands)] 2 Local Action Plans are expected until summer 2010 [Nyiregyhaza (Hungary), Södertälje (Sweden)] 3 Local Action Plans are expected until autumn 2010 [Ruda Slaska (Poland), Siracusa (Italy), Halandri (Greece)]

10 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 10 Practice from Romania - Local The City of Satu Mare completely new experience for Satu Mare with working in a Local Support Group on the elaboration of projects 4 meetings of the Local Support Group since the beginning of the project, with very good results and steps towards the completion of the Local Action Plan more than 30 representatives of the institutions involved in the Local Support Group as well as the representative of the Managing Authority associated to Satu Mare with the help of the Local Support Group, the Local Action Plan was completed and forwarded for financing at the end of March 2010 the Local Action Plan includes 7 projects and has a total value of approximately 17 million euro, with a total non-refundable sum of approximately 11 million euro

11 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 11 Practice from Romania Satu Mare - City Development Strategies I.Agreement of the Local Support Group on a city-wide strategy with the Mayor of Satu Mare II. Decision on co-ordination of the overall process through the European Information Centre of the Municipality of Satu Mare III.Classification of 7 neighbourhoods within the city IV. Search for responsibles for each of the 7 neighbourhoods V. Elaboration of a work basis through the different departments of the Municipality VI.Implementation of 7 Future Conferences to develop visions, a common view of problems and ways of solution, priorities VII. Development of strategies per neighbourhood VIII. Continuation of the work on a city-wide development strategy

12 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 12 Practice from Romania Members of the Local Support Group in Satu Mare Municipality of Satu Mare Social institutions and Roma representatives Environmental institutions Cultural institutions Owners associations Economic sector: institutions and architects Regional financing agency

13 URBACT II RegGov Network I 20 May 2010 I Seite 13 Contact RegGov Network Brigitte Grandt [Lead Partner] EG DU Entwicklungsgesellschaft Duisburg mbH Willy-Brandt-Ring 44 D - 47169 Duisburg Phone: +49 (0)203 - 994 29 40 eMail: Internet:


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