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Friendly letters vs. Business letters

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1 Friendly letters vs. Business letters
What is the difference???


3 Parts of the Informal or Friendly Letter
Heading: return address and date Greeting: “Dear” followed by the name of the person, followed by a comma Body Complimentary Closing: “Affectionately,” “Love,” “Yours truly,” followed by a comma Signature: hand written


5 Parts of the Formal or Business Letter
Heading: return address and date Inside address: address of the person or agency to whom/which the letter is addressed Greeting: “Dear Madam,” “Gentlemen,” “Dear Mrs. Brown,” followed by a colon Body Complimentary Closing: “Yours truly,” “Respectfully yours,” followed by a comma Signature: Allow four blank lines after the complimentary closing and type the name of the letter writer. Sign the letter above the typed signature.

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