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FeaturesGouty ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis Nature Metabolic DiseaseAutoimmune Disease Process Inflammatory reaction to microcrystal of sodium urate Chronic.

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Presentation on theme: "FeaturesGouty ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis Nature Metabolic DiseaseAutoimmune Disease Process Inflammatory reaction to microcrystal of sodium urate Chronic."— Presentation transcript:

1 FeaturesGouty ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis Nature Metabolic DiseaseAutoimmune Disease Process Inflammatory reaction to microcrystal of sodium urate Chronic inflammation of synovial membranes w/ secondary erosion of adjacent cartilage and bone Cause Deposition of MSU in joint and connective tissue tophi Unknown Sex M > F M = F postmenopausal F 3X > M

2 FeaturesGouty ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis AgeMiddle age to elderly men and post menopausal women 4th – 5th decade of life Clinical PresentationAcute ArthritisChronic Polyarthritis SymmetrySymmetric No. of jointsMono / oligoarticular Initially : mono Subsequent: poly Polyarticular

3 FeaturesGouty ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis Most common joint affected Metatarsophalangeal joint of first toe Proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal Progression and DurationOccasionally isolated attacks lasting days up to 2 weeks Often chronic with remissions and exacerbations SwellingPresent within and around the involved joint Synovial tissue in joints or tendon sheaths Redness, Warmth, and Tenderness Exquisitely tender, hot, and red Tender, often warm, but seldom red

4 FeaturesGouty ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis StiffnessNot evidentProminent, often for an hour or more in the morning, also after inactivity Limitations of motionMotion is limited primarily by pain Motion limited by pain Generalized SymptomsFever may be presentWeakness, fatigue, weight loss, and low fever are common, lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly Radiologic featureCystic changes well defined erosion with sclerotic margins (often overhanging bony edges) Soft tissue masses characterized radio features of advanced chronic tophaceous gout Soft tissue swelling and joint effusion Juxta articular osteopenia loss of articular cartilage Bone erosion

5 FeaturesGouty ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis Associated deformitiesHeberden’s node Bouchard’s node Swan node deformity Boutonniere deformity Baker’s cyst Extraarticular Manifestations Uric acids nephrolithiasisRheumatoid nodules Rheumatoid vasculitis Pleuropulmonary manifestations ( Caplan’s syndrome ) Felty’s syndrome Osteoporosis

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