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Arthritis and Podiatric Medicine: Walking Hand-in-Hand Dr. Dennis R. Frisch 30 SE 7 th Street Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-395-4243

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Presentation on theme: "Arthritis and Podiatric Medicine: Walking Hand-in-Hand Dr. Dennis R. Frisch 30 SE 7 th Street Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-395-4243"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arthritis and Podiatric Medicine: Walking Hand-in-Hand Dr. Dennis R. Frisch 30 SE 7 th Street Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-395-4243

2 Arthritis Facts Arthritis in one form or another afflicts 66 million Americans or nearly 1 in 3 adults –42.7 million Americans have doctor- diagnosed arthritis and 23.2 million others live with chronic joint symptoms but have not been diagnosed by a doctor Doctors of podiatric medicine are often the first to diagnose arthritis because the feet have 33 joints that can be affected, and there is often pain associated with weight-bearing

3 Arthritis Facts Arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic health problems and the nation’s leading cause of disability among Americans over age 15. Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability. Arthritis limits everyday activities such as walking, dressing and bathing for more than 7 million Americans.

4 Arthritis Facts Arthritis results in 39 million physician visits and more than a half million hospitalizations. Costs to the U.S. economy total more than $86.2 billion annually. Arthritis affects people in all age groups including nearly 300,000 children. Baby boomers are now at prime risk. More than half those affected are under age 65.

5 Definition of Arthritis Arthritis is inflammation and swelling of the cartilage and lining of the joints, generally accompanied by an increase of fluid in the joints. Often arthritis is a component of complex diseases that may involve more than 100 identifiable disorders.

6 Causes of Arthritis Hereditary tendencies Age (arthritis often targets those over 50) Trauma or injury (athletes and industrial workers at higher risk) Bacterial or viral infections that strike joints In conjunction with inflammatory bowel diseases Use of prescription or illegal street drugs Possible congenital autoimmune association

7 Types of Arthritis - Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis Often called degenerative joint disease or “wear and tear” arthritis Onset is generally gradual (i.e., the aging process causes a breakdown in cartilage) Pain usually progresses, but rest can relieve pain Characterized by dull, throbbing nighttime pain with accompanied muscle weakness or deterioration Particularly seen in the feet when patients are overweight due to the deterioration of cartilage and development of bone spurs

8 Types of Arthritis – Rheumatoid (RA) Rheumatoid arthritis is the most serious and crippling Complex, chronic inflammatory system of diseases, often affecting more than a dozen smaller joints, usually in a symmetrical fashion Characterized by lengthy morning stiffness, fatigue and weight loss

9 Types of Arthritis – Rheumatoid (RA) Can affect eyes, lungs, heart and nervous system Women are 3-4 times more likely than men to suffer More acute onset than osteoarthritis Intermittent periods of remission and exacerbation Resultant joint deformity and loss of motion

10 Types of Arthritis - Gout Gout is caused by a buildup of the salts of uric acid (a normal byproduct of the diet) in the joints. It can also be caused by metabolic disorders in the kidney Most commonly affects the great toe joint in the foot but can affect any joint in the foot including the ankle Extreme acute onset of intense pain without injury Men are much more likely to be afflicted than women Perhaps hereditary, but usually due to a diet rich in red meat, sauces, shellfish, liquor and fatty foods

11 Symptoms of Arthritis You should visit your podiatrist if you have one or more of the following: –Swelling in one or more joints –Recurring pain or tenderness in any joint –Redness or heat in a joint –Limitation of motion in joint –Early morning stiffness –Skin changes, including rashes and growths

12 Diagnosis of Arthritis Early diagnosis is important since destruction of cartilage is not reversible Your podiatrist or primary care physician can diagnose arthritis by: –History and clinical exam –When suspected, the doctor can administer blood tests

13 Treatment of Arthritis While there is no cure, the management of inflammation is the key Patient education Physical therapy and exercise Medication Control of foot function with orthotics or braces Prescription shoes for those with fit issues Surgical intervention with possible joint replacement as a last resort

14 Treatment of Arthritis Because the foot is where arthritis often manifests, the DPM is often the first physician to encounter some of the typical complaints Since arthritic feet can result in loss of mobility and independence, frequent visits to the podiatrist can help avoid this with early diagnosis and proper medical care

15 Arthritis is manageable By working with your podiatric physician and your primary care doctor, you can treat and manage arthritis. The key is to seek care and follow up periodically to manage your care with all your doctors.

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