Chapter 6: Drinking, Driving, and Health

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1 Chapter 6: Drinking, Driving, and Health

2 Effects of Alcohol Alcohol is a drug that affects overall driving ability Alcohol lowers peoples inhibitions and could cause a driver to be overconfident and unable to think clearly Drinking even a small amount of alcohol can increase a driverr chance of an accident The best way to avoid an alcohol related crash is to NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE

3 Effects of Alcohol Driving under the influence of alcohol means that a driver’s senses and judgment is impaired by alcohol After only 2, 3, or 4 drinks alcohol begins to impair reaction time, coordination and balance Vision and the ability to judge distance is affected making it difficult to react and drive safely

4 BAC and Driving If a motorist has a BAC of slightly above
.05% the risk of causing a motor vehicle accident DOUBLES If a motorist reaches a BAC of .10% the risk of causing a motor vehicle accident is 6 times greater The risk is 25 times greater at .15%

5 Factors that affect how intoxicated a person becomes from drinking:
Quantity of Alcohol Body Weight How quickly drinks are consumed Food eaten These factors affect an individuals BAC (Blood alcohol concentration)

6 What is the only thing that can make a person sober up?
TIME Alcohol is removed slowly from the body 90% of the alcohol is detoxified by the liver 10% is eliminated through breath, urine and sweat

7 BAC and driving It is illegal for an individual 21 and over to have a BAC of .08 or above It is illegal for an individual UNDER 21 to have any trace of alcohol in their system (.01 or higher)

8 Refusal to take a Breath Test
Refusal to take a breath test is equal to driving with a BAC of .10% for a first offense Penalty: 7 months to one year of loss of license MVC surcharge of $1,000 per year for 3 years Failure to pay the surcharge will result in an indefinite loss of license until it is paid

9 Alcohol content in Beverages

10 Drinking and Driving Law enforcement is trained to notice any telltale signs that a motorist has been drinking Speeding- an intoxicated driver often thinks high speed is driving safe Weaving-Even though a driver may stay in the correct lane, driving straight is a problem Slow driving-may be overly cautious and drive slower Jerking motions-may have short mental lapses and not keep steady Quick Stops- may make sudden stops at a traffic sign or light

11 Good Hosts and the Drinking Driver
If you serve alcohol at a party, always provide alcohol free drinks Serve Nutritious food Never insists a guest should drink alcohol or insist on refills Stop serving alcohol well before the party ends If they drink too much, don’t let them drive Invite guests to spend the night *Hosts may become involved in a lawsuit if a guest is involved in a drinking and driving collision after leaving the party

12 Drugs and Driving It is ILLEGAL to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of any illegal drug Drugs that say “May cause dizziness or drowsiness” should not be taken before driving Drugs that may affect driving: Cold pills, tranquilizers and some prescription medication

13 Marijuana and Driving After drinking, marijuana is the drug most often found with drivers involved in a collision Affects of marijuana while driving: Loss of tracking ability- the ability to maintain a vehicle in a given line Distance judgment- tailgating Vigilance- Not remaining attentive to the task Divided Attention- not maintaining attention to the task

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