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CLASS PRESENTATION ON CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT  My name is Martha Manyonganise.  A final year student under the programme Bachelor of science in computer.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASS PRESENTATION ON CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT  My name is Martha Manyonganise.  A final year student under the programme Bachelor of science in computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASS PRESENTATION ON CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT  My name is Martha Manyonganise.  A final year student under the programme Bachelor of science in computer studies with education.  My Registration number is R107555ED.

2  Curriculum development is the planning of learning experiences.  Anderson (1967) defined it as ‘ the course of action designed to produce a structured set of learning experiences…the outcome may include ant of all students resources materials guide to study, syllabus, teacher’s guide, program of learning experiences, structured set of objectives and set of evaluation techniques and instruments’. INTRODUCTION


4  The overall environment ( which includes pupils teachers, school and locality) are analyzed in order to establish needs.  It is a process of needs assessment.  The needs perceived as ‘ the gap between current results and intended results’ or ‘gap between what is and what should be’. (Kaufman and stone, 1983,8,9). SITUATION ANALYSIS

5 SELECTION OBJECTIVE  Educational intentions and outcomes can be called aims, goals or objectives.  Aims: refers to the long term outcomes of the teaching-learning process of a course when it is used in relation to a course.  Goals: it means the end or the result or the achievement toward which effort is directed. They indicate the broad significant outcome desired from an educational program.  Objectives : these are statements which describe a specific manner in what a student should be able to do to produce specific results. These are outcomes someone has in mind.  The educational objectives are categorized into 3 domains of learning which are: a)Cognitive domain- deals with the intellectual of a person. b)Affective domain: deals with feelings, attitudes, beliefs and values. c)Psychomotor: deals with the body or physical movements.

6  The selection and organization of content has to be set according to the abilities, interests and backgrounds of the students.  The selection and the organization of content has to be suitable for the different age groups the education system. SELECTION AND ORGANISATION OF CONTENT

7  It deals with the teaching techniques or methods that the teacher adopts to translate curriculum into reality.  It involves the organization of curriculum materials to enhance instructional efficiency and realization of its stated intended outcomes.  Their fore it is encouraged of teachers to devise exciting, effective teaching methods and aids to arouse the interests and attention of the learners. ORGANIZATION AND INTEGRATION OF LEARNING EXPERIENCES(IMPLEMENTATION)

8  Evaluation is the process of finding out how far the learning experiences as developed and organized are actually producing the desired results.  It provides data on the strengths and weakness of the curriculum and instruction.  Data from formative and summative evaluation indicates the worth of the curriculum and provides the basis for its modification and improvement. EVALUATION OF PRODUCT



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