Chapter 6 Section 3.  Revolution of 1800  Referred to his creation of a less formal style of the presidency  Strong believer in small gov’t=limited.

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1 Chapter 6 Section 3

2  Revolution of 1800  Referred to his creation of a less formal style of the presidency  Strong believer in small gov’t=limited scope of federal power  Wanted to pay off debt, cut gov’t spending, and did away with whiskey tax  Instead of a standing army, wanted to rely on militia  Chose Albert Gallatin as secretary of treasury=skilled financier who supported Hamilton’s system



5  Rise of the Supreme Court  Judiciary Act of 1801- passed before Adams left office  Created 16 new federal judges  Nicknamed “midnight judges”=Adams signed these appoints until midnight on his last day  Impeaching Judges  Jefferson and Republicans opposed Federalist controlled courts  Repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801

6  Republicans wanted to remove Fed. from the judiciary by impeachment  Tried to impeach Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase  Senate didn’t convict b/c he wasn’t guilty of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes”  Marbury v. Madison  John Marshall- appointed Chief Justice by Adams before leaving office  William Marbury (Fed.)- appointed justice of peace in D.C.  His appointment paperwork wasn’t delivered before Adams left office  New Sec. of State James Madison, was told not to deliver by Thomas Jefferson  Jefferson hoped he would quit and allow him his Rep. appointment  Marbury asked that Supreme Court step in and order Madison to deliver the documents, idea was based on Judiciary Act of 1789


8  Chief Justice Marshall and the Supreme Court agreed they couldn’t issue the order  Declared Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional and invalid  Asserted Supreme Court’s right of judicial review= power to decide whether laws were constitutional or not


10  One of Jefferson’s strongest beliefs was that a republic couldn’t survive without most people owning land  Supported westward expansion  Louisiana Purchase  Napoleon (French emperor) wanted to conquer Europe  Was at war with Great Britain and needed funding  In 1803, Napoleon offered to sell the Louisiana Territory and New Orleans to the U.S.


12  On April 30, 1803, U.S. purchased Louisiana for $11.25 million (+ French debt owed to American citizens $3.75 million)= $15 million  More than doubled land size of U.S. and gained control of entire Mississippi River


14  Read The Lewis and Clark Expedition pg. 224  Write a brief summary 3-5 sentences.  Read The Pike Expedition pg. 224  Write a brief summary 3-5 sentences.  Read The Essex Junto pg. 224  Write a brief summary 3-5 sentences.

15  President Jackson wanted to keep the U.S. out of war b/w France and Great Britain  Economic Warfare  At first, Americans benefited from war=opened trade with Caribbean  In 1806, Britain issued regulations=Orders in Council  Declared all ships going to Europe needed licenses and would be searched  In response, Napoleon stated if anyone followed the British system would have goods taken by the French  lose lose situation for Americans

16  Impressment  British turned to impressment= legalized form of kidnapping that forced people into military service  Captured Americans and forced them to join their navy  Boiling point= June 1807 British warship Leopard stopped American warship Chesapeake  Captain of the Chesapeake refused to comply, Leopard opened fire  Killed three and then seized four sailors



19  Economic Diplomacy  Attack on the Chesapeake enraged Americans  Asked congress to pass Embargo Act of 1807  To stop trade between U.S. and Europe  Embargo wound up hurting the U.S. more than France and Britain  Caused problems in the north with shipping and in the south and west saw crop prices plummet  Was repealed in March 1809  Pres. Jefferson retired to his home, Monticello, in Virginia  Limited power of federal gov’t  Acquired territory in the West


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