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What was the political party of Thomas Jefferson? Jeffersonian Presidency.

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Presentation on theme: "What was the political party of Thomas Jefferson? Jeffersonian Presidency."— Presentation transcript:

1 What was the political party of Thomas Jefferson? Jeffersonian Presidency

2 Thomas Jefferson From Virginia Public Office: – Governor of Virginia – Sec. of State – Vice President Believed in strong state governments – They can respond faster than federal government Believed farmers were the backbone of America – Cities would corrupt the country…like Europe

3 What actions of John Adams & Alexander Hamilton did Thomas Jefferson object to?? Alexander Hamilton had increased America’s federal debt – Believed this would strengthen the government – Jefferson: This just helps the rich, urban people & requires taxes on who?? – Cuts taxes and reduces government spending Adams had passed the Alien & Sedition Act – Hurts America’s great freedoms – Permits these to expire Wants America to return to small government and localized freedoms Undoing Adams’ & Hamilton

4 Packing the Court Adams & Federalists voted out of White House & Congress – What is left?? Adams signs Judiciary Act of 1801 – Creates NEW judge positions – What will Adams do? Adams appoints all Federalist judges

5 Chief Justice John Marshall is Federalist – Wants Supreme Court to be strong William Marbury is to be appointed Justice of Peace Jefferson & James Madison refuse to appoint him Case goes to Supreme Court Marbury vs. Madison – Chief Justice Marshall says Judiciary Act is unconstitutional – Marbury/Federalists upset… Marshall has said Supreme Court has right to Judicial Review and can overturn Presidential & Congressional decisions Marbury vs. Madison


7 French in control of massive land to West of US – Including port of New Orleans 1803: Jefferson sends envoys to France to buy New Orleans Napoleon is about to begin new wars against England, Austria, Prussia and other countries and needs $$$ Offers ALL of Louisiana territory for $15 million Jefferson worries he oversteps Presidential powers but will not pass up offer 1804 Lewis & Clark Expedition will explore territory, document findings, find new passages, etc Louisiana Purchase

8 What success did Jefferson enjoy at home? Foreign Challenges of the Jefferson Presidency

9 Barbary Pirates Jefferson’s first term has peace with Europe Arab rulers in North African Barbary States demand bribes to protect American ships Jefferson sends US Navy to punish pirates Has to raise taxes on imports – What is this called?

10 First term successes of Jefferson Peace with Europe Louisiana territory acquired Ohio became state Mississippi & Indiana become territories Punished Barbary Pirates Paid down debt by $25 million Increased trade with Europe 1804: Re-elected in landslide

11 What conflict is still taking place in Europe? How might this impact America? Napoleon controls continent of Europe – Will not allow any country to trade with England England controls the oceans – Will not allow any country to trade with France American shipping was HUGE businesses – Lumber & Fish from north – Rice & Cotton from south – Wheat & grain from west English sailors desert English navy and join USA merchants Growing problems in Europe

12 June 1807: US ship Chesapeake leaves Virginia British ship stops Chesapeake and demands to search ship for deserting Englishmen US Captain refuses and England fires on ship, killing 3 men, wound 18 – England boards ship 4 “deserters” are taken prisoner and Chesapeake returns to Virginia England will continue to push 6,000 Americans into their navy – What is this called??? Impressment Chesapeake Affair

13 A Failed Embargo England refuses to apologize Jefferson believes England & France need our trade too much to fight Jefferson bans all trade with Europe Embargo hurts American trade and NOT Europe Businessmen and farmers HATE embargo

14 What was the main cause of America going to war with England? How did Jefferson first try to deal with England/Europe? War of 1812

15 Causes of the War of 1812 Impressment – England searching for ex- Navy takes American citizens Chesapeake Affair – England fires upon and boards US boat taking prisoners Nationalism Indian Aggression – Real or imagined??

16 Westward Expansion typically involved BUYING Indian lands Tecumseh of the Shawnee Indians organizes all Indians from Canada to Florida to oppose selling anymore land – William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana buys 3 million from other Indians Tecumseh says “give back lands, no more going west and I will help you fight English” Harrison refuses, attacks Tippecanoe and burns village – Indians go on warpath – Americans convinced English are helping – English sort of were helping but did NOT want war Battle of Tippecanoe

17 What do you think will happen next?

18 Congress Declares War Country divided on going to war South & West want war for land and protection Northeast want peace to continue trading and business Congress passes declaration of war Convinced it will be easy and doesn’t raises taxes

19 Ready to fight? American army is 7,000 strong – 400,000 militia will need to be called up – Weaknesses still exist American Navy has 16 ships Britain has 8,500 England has 97 ships

20 America is unprepared for war and suffers major defeats in the West Some victories take place, mainly on sea Madison will win a second term America goes to war What was the “First Battle” of the War of 1812? What American was the leader of this fight? The Conclusion of War of 1812

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