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DFSS tour Contents School and course selection Course outline page Page navigation Forums (online discussions) Reveals Completing a journal Watching a.

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Presentation on theme: "DFSS tour Contents School and course selection Course outline page Page navigation Forums (online discussions) Reveals Completing a journal Watching a."— Presentation transcript:

1 DFSS tour Contents School and course selection Course outline page Page navigation Forums (online discussions) Reveals Completing a journal Watching a video Expanding a list Quizzes Quiz navigation Quiz finish Entering data Links Click on the arrow to progress or click on a page to see the information.

2 School and course selection ItemFunction 1Select the the School of Signals here. 2Select news items here. 3View teaching staff here. 4Select help and assistance here. 5Select the course here. The table below lists the different buttons on the page. Back to Contents 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 5 5

3 Course outline page ItemFunction 1Start the course here 2The left-hand panel is the course navigation, listing the topics and pages. 3The centre panel describes the course topics and timing. The table below lists the different buttons on the page. Back to Contents 3 3 2 2 1 1

4 Page navigation ItemFunction 1Select a page title to go to it here. 2Slide the scroll bar to view more of the page here. 3You are here, within the course structure. 4Press this type of button to expand (+) or collapse (-) course section page lists. 5Press these buttons to go forward or backwards through the units. 6Select the dropdown list to jump directly to a specific page title. The table below lists the different buttons on the topic introduction page. Back to Contents 1 1 5 5 6 6 2 2 3 3 5 5 4 4 5 5

5 ItemFunction 1Get help here. 2Type the subject title here. Keep it relevant and short as it is ‘searchable’. 3Complete the exercise in the editor here. 4Access the text format and layout menu here. 5Decide if you do not wish to receive emails of posts. 6If required, upload a file to the discussion here. 7Submit the post here. Forums (online discussions) The table lists the steps to follow once you start to participate in a discussion (forum) activity in the course. Back to Contents 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7

6 ItemFunction 1Select a top image to reveal more information. A larger image and associated texts appears. Select another image to reveal more on that topic. Reveals Back to Contents 1 1 The table below lists the use of photo and tabbed reveals. Others are similar. ItemFunction 2Select a tab to reveal more information. Select another tab to reveal more on that topic. 2 2

7 ItemFunction 1Click this button to start the Journal entry. Completing a journal Back to Contents The table below lists the different buttons on the pages to select and edit journals 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 ItemFunction 2Type in your responses here. 3Access the text editor here. 4Save your changes here.

8 ItemFunction 1Click this button to pause or play a video. 2Drag this slider to go forward or backward in the video clip. 3Click this button to toggle the sound on or off. 4Make the video full-screen here. 5Drag this slider to change the sound volume. Watching a video Back to Contents 1 1 2 2 3 3 The table below lists the different buttons to control videos. 4 4 5 5

9 ItemFunction 1To reveal more information on the item, click on the plus sign. 2Toggle (click again) the plus sign to hide the information. Expanding a list 1 1 Back to Contents The table below outlines the way to use expanding lists. 2 2

10 ItemFunction 1Click on Attempt Quiz Now to begin. If you are trying again, click Continue the last attempt. Quizzes Back to Contents The table below lists the different buttons for a quiz page. 1 1 ItemFunction 2The question is here. 3Select your by clicking here. 4Check you response here 3 3 4 4 2 2

11 ItemFunction 1Navigate to another question here. Quiz navigation Back to Contents The table below lists the different buttons for quiz navigation. ItemFunction 2Move to the next question here. Scroll to the bottom of the page if required. 2 2 1 1

12 ItemFunction 1Review a question status here. 2Your marks are here. 3Submit and complete the quizusing this button. Quiz finish Back to Contents The table below lists the different buttons for a quiz finish page. 1 1 2 2 3 3

13 ItemFunction 1Select the text box, and enter a value or letter as appropriate from your keyboard. Do this for each row. 2Select this to check your answers. Entering data Back to Contents 1 1 2 2 The table below lists the actions to complete a data entry exercise. 1 1 1 1 ItemFunction Your submitted answers are shown in the table. 3Select this to edit your answers. 3 3

14 ItemFunction 1Selecting text that is coloured blue launches the target of the link. The target might be a text document, spreadsheet, web page or other resource. Links Back to Contents 1 1 The table below lists the actions to follow a link. 1 1

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