John Fitzgerald Katelyn Meeks Rene Newman Sheena Palmer Danielle Watson COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ALUMNI HBSHBS C.

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Presentation on theme: "John Fitzgerald Katelyn Meeks Rene Newman Sheena Palmer Danielle Watson COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ALUMNI HBSHBS C."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Fitzgerald Katelyn Meeks Rene Newman Sheena Palmer Danielle Watson COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ALUMNI HBSHBS C

2 THE SITUATION  Not contacted since graduation  Recommendations of better outreach strategies  Utilization of Facebook Survey Analysis Department Chair Interviews Content Analysis 24,103

3 First Priority  Inconsistency of communication efforts  Contact information MOVING FORWARD Constituents 1.Alumni  Graduating Seniors  Recent  Older 2.Faculty 3.Office of Alumni Relations

4 HBSHBS C MESSAGE ALUMNI SPOTLIGHTS Recognize, identify, and be involved with the diversity happening in the College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences.

5 OBJECTIVES  Awareness  To increase awareness of CHBSalumni gift giving opportunitiesby 30% by June 2014.  Involvement  To increase CHBS alumniinvolvement with either theirdepartments or the college by5% by June 2014.  Donations  To increase alumni donationsby 5% by June 2014.

6 1.Use online media to effectively communicate with alumni.  SNS  Qualtrics  Website 2.Maintain relationship with graduating seniors through timely communication after graduation.  Mass congratulatory email AWARENESS

7  Alumni advisory board  Mentorship program  Alumni Spotlight Week INVOLVEMENT

8  “Give a Gift”  Communicate value of the donations  “Why Give?” video DONATIONS

9  Faculty  To increase awareness by 70% among faculty about CHBS communication efforts with alumni by July 2013. How?  Educate CHBS faculty of the college’s alumni status updates  Department chair meeting agenda  Routine emails with updates SECONDARY AUDIENCE


11 BUDGET $3,333.00 $1000.00 $2,333.00 Alumni Spotlight Week:$100/guest speaker = $1,000.00Campaign Coordinator Position: $3,000.00 x 2 semesters = $6,000.00 _

12  Summary  AWARENESS, INVOLVEMENT, DONATIONS  Evaluation  Special Event  Alumni Coordinator THE NEXT YEAR FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS

13 ALUMNI Communication Plan potlight College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences AWARENESS INVOLVEMENT DONATIONS HBSHBS C

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