YoNosotros Tú Él Ella Usted Ellos Ellas Ustedes  SER and ESTAR both mean “TO BE”  In English “TO BE” looks like this:  We have learned both of these.

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Presentation on theme: "YoNosotros Tú Él Ella Usted Ellos Ellas Ustedes  SER and ESTAR both mean “TO BE”  In English “TO BE” looks like this:  We have learned both of these."— Presentation transcript:


2 YoNosotros Tú Él Ella Usted Ellos Ellas Ustedes

3  SER and ESTAR both mean “TO BE”  In English “TO BE” looks like this:  We have learned both of these verbs before… amare isare

4 SER ESTAR soysomos eres esson estoyestamos estás estáestán

5  What a person or thing is  What a person or thing is like  Where a person or thing is from  What a thing is made of  To whom something belongs

6  How a person or thing is at the moment  How someone feels  Where a person or thing is located “For how you feel or where you are you always use the verb estar.”

7  D escription  O ccupation/Equal to  C haracteristic  T ime/Date  O rigin  R elationship  C ondition  L ocation  I NG  F eeling

8  It’s the –ING in estar  Here’s the formula  Estar + (-ando)  -ar (-iendo)<- er/ir  Yo/hablar  Yo estoy hablando  I am talking You must have the estar! Only use estar!

9  You are running.  Carmen is dancing  We are eating.  Carmen and Marco are singing.  I am skiing.

10  I am from Texas.  ser

11  We are smart.  ser

12  She is in the lunchroom.  estar

13  They are funny.  ser

14  I am hungry.  estar

15  I am in Texas.  estar

16  That is my book.  ser

17  They are very excited about the game!  estar

18  Tom is tired.  estar

19  The hat is made of wool.  ser

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