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The Scientific MEthod 8th science 2013.

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1 The Scientific MEthod 8th science 2013

2 - Systems, models, observations, theory, experiments
Science -  is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. - Systems, models, observations, theory, experiments Scientific Method -  is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. Now to be part of the scientific method, you must be able to measure, and accumulate data to form some conclusions. Example – Designing an experiment that measures the qualities of 2 motor oils to determine how efficient they are. Incorrect example – Designing an experiment to decide which body spray you like best.  This is an opinion which will obviously vary in your general population

3 Steps of the Scientific Method
State the Problem This is your question that you want to answer. Gather Information (Observe). Using books, technology, scholarly articles gather information about your topic. Formulate your hypothesis Possible answer to your question. What you think will be true. IT’S OK TO BE WRONG!!! Design your Experiment List your materials Describe your procedure (be detailed) Identify your variables

4 Gather your results (DATA)
Variables – things or factors that could change. You will need to choose only one variable to change as you experiment. You control all the other variables. Test your hypothesis In this step, test your hypothesis. Repeat your tests several times to check your results for consistency and variation. Gather your results (DATA) Collect the data, information, measurements. Record the data in graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, photos Analyze and Interpret your Results Study the data. Look for patterns that will help you interpret your results State your conclusion Compare your results (information) with your hypothesis. Decide whether the data supports your hypothesis or not. If it does state the reasons why, if it doesn’t go into detail on your findings. Also include things you could do to improve your experiment.


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