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P ROJECT C LOSEOUT. Introduction This purpose of this presentation is to summarize key project closeout information and feedback for purposes of presenting.

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Presentation on theme: "P ROJECT C LOSEOUT. Introduction This purpose of this presentation is to summarize key project closeout information and feedback for purposes of presenting."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction This purpose of this presentation is to summarize key project closeout information and feedback for purposes of presenting to Executive Sponsors and/or Steering Committees. Directions: Step 1: Complete the Project Closure template found on the PSO Website via the Toolkit. Step 2: Review and approve Closure document with core team members. Step 3: Use this presentation template to summarize key points for presentation to Sponsors, Steering Committee members or other Executives 2

3 Project Overview Insert a brief narrative describing project scope, key objectives, milestones and timeline. 3

4 Lessons Learned Date(s) of feedback session(s): Session facilitator(s): Categories of feedback include: 4 PlanningImplementation Readiness RequirementsChange Management Configuration & TestingPost-Implementation The following team members participated in feedback session(s):

5 Summary – Lessons Learned 5 What Went WellWhat to ChangeImpediment to Change Planning Requirements Configuration & Testing Implementation Readiness Change Management Post-Implementation

6 Day 2 Issues List the open issues or roadblocks experienced directly following go-live. 6 Issue NameDescriptionOwner(s) Target Resolution Date

7 Project Budget Summary Copy and paste budget summary from closure document. 7 Capital BudgetBudgetedActualNet +/- Personnel PSO ITS GTS Business Units OTPS Consultants PSO ITS GTS Business Units Hardware Software Total

8 Launch Support Plan (Immediate) Summarize post go-live support details and objectives. 8

9 Operational Support Model Summarize the ongoing support structure and model including contact names and service-level agreements. 9

10 Ongoing Change Management Summarize any post go-live communication or training activities.

11 Project Documentation List the location of key project materials, deliverables and other documentation 11

12 Points of Contact NameRoleEmailNotes 12

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