Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation,

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Presentation on theme: "Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 Northeast Florida Regional Airport at Saint Augustine Sustainability Management Plan Ben Siwinski, C.M.

2 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 2 Outline Overview of Northeast Florida Regional Airport Airport Sustainability Defined The Sustainability Planning Team Current Sustainability Initiatives NFRA’s Sustainability Planning Process Format of the Report Challenges and Lessons Learned

3 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 3 General Aviation Reliever Airport Airport Property = 668 acres ~100,000 Operations/ Year 3 runways (longest = 8,001 ft) 3 seaplane lanes 8 months of Commercial Service (ended April, 2008) Tenants: Charter/Flight School operators, Northrop Grumman NFRA Overview St. Johns County

4 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 4 NFRA Aerial

5 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 5 Airport Sustainability is...... a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. -ACI-NA

6 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 6 Airport Sustainability is not...... radical environmentalism, or an unachievable goal.

7 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN The Team 7

8 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Participation in project meetings Presentations to classes Student research papers Intern assistance with baseline data collection Connection with the community (and future Airport Managers!) 8 Jacksonville University Partnership

9 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Economic Sustainability Education and Community Involvement Water Conservation Green Space Management Natural Resource Protection and Conservation Air Quality and Energy Use Surface Water Quality Low-Impact Development and Sustainable Growth Waste Reduction 9 Current Sustainability Initiatives

10 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Sustainability Planning Process 10 Phase 1 Conduct Sustainability Baseline Assessment Establish Sustainability Goals & Objectives Identify Candidate Sustainability Initiatives Evaluate Candidate Initiatives Phase 2 Develop Sustainability Performance Targets Develop Implementation & Monitoring Program Prepare Sustainability Management Plan Annual Sustainability Report Card Outline Nov 2009 – Summer 2010 Summer 2010 – March 2011

11 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Our Mission 11  Define Airport’s Vision for Sustainability  Develop goals and objectives tailored to specific sustainability categories  Identify specific sustainability initiatives to meet Airport’s goals and objectives  Develop a plan for implementing and managing sustainability initiatives

12 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN To maintain and enhance Northeast Florida Regional Airport as a vibrant asset that serves the needs of Northeast Florida residents and businesses, promotes economic growth in the region, and operates in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner that conserves natural resources and protects the environment. 12 NFRA’s Sustainability Vision

13 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Overview Introduction Sustainability Management Approach Sustainability Categories What are our goals? Where are we now? What have we already accomplished? How will we reach our goals? 13 Format of the Report

14 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN How will we reach our goals? 14 Format of the Report

15 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Economic Vitality Planned Development Energy Air Quality Natural Resource Management Water Quality and Conservation Materials and Waste Management Airport Connectivity Community Relations 15 Goal Categories

16 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Formally designating a “sustainability champion” Scheduling regular sustainability coordination meetings Revisiting the Airport’s goals and performance 16 Sustainability Management Approach

17 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Sustainability Initiatives Brochure Sustainability Management Plan report Building Design Element and Planned Development Checklists Performance Measurement Spreadsheets Annual Report Card outline 17 Products developed as part of Study

18 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Development of baseline performance metrics Flexibility for growth (accommodation of new service) Resources available for sustainability initiatives Engage Airport leadership and stakeholders early and often Framework and tools for implementation 18 Challenges and Lessons Learned

19 Airport Sustainability is a holistic approach to managing an airport to ensure Economic viability, Operational efficiency, Natural resource conservation, and Social responsibility. NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL AIRPORT SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 19 Thank you! -Ben Siwinski

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