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EU BETTER REGULATION Maria Carim, 10 February 2009.

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1 EU BETTER REGULATION Maria Carim, 10 February 2009

2 Main strands of EU better regulation 1.Commission Impact Assessments 2.Impact Assessments in the Council and European Parliament 3.EU Admin Burden Reduction Target (25% by 2012) 4.Better Regulation in the negotiation and transposition of EU law in the UK

3 Better Regulation – priority of the Barroso Commission Culture change has begun IA system, simplification and admin burden reduction programmes launched

4 Commission impact assessments Commission proposals subject to impact assessment since 2002. Over 400 completed to date, 135 of which were carried out in 2008. Impact Assessment Board set up end 2006: internal quality control. Only 5% of IAs in 2008 fully monetised costs and benefits and 51% had no quantification at all. But new guidelines came out in January…

5 New Impact Assessment Guidelines –Increases scope to cover significant comitology proposals –More focus on quantification and monetisation (or justification for not doing so) –Urges Commission services to extend consultation from 8 weeks for complex issues/during holidays –Executive summaries to include key costs and benefits

6 IA in Council and EP: The problem Council and EP dont make good use of Commission impact assessments in negotiations. 2003 agreement that Council and EP will do impact assessment on substantive amendments to Commissions proposals They tend not to But they do agree substantive changes

7 Stock: EU admin burden reduction target EU target to reduce admin burdens by 25% by 2012 agreed at Spring European Council in March 2007 (should save EU businesses 150 bn) Member States also agreed to set national targets of comparable ambition – 21 have already done so Heads of State at Spring European Council March 2007

8 Stock: EU admin burden reduction target - how will it be delivered? 42 EU directives/regulations in 13 areas Consultants have identified the IOs in the EU and national legislation Measurement almost complete Recommendations for reduction + more specific targets expected spring 2009 But new Commission and Parliament later this year, not much time to meet the target…

9 When a Commission proposal is published, the responsible minister in the UK has to write to his Cabinet colleagues to seek their approval of the negotiating position. This letter must be accompanied by an impact assessment This impact assessment should be kept up-to-date during the negotiations and is revised once the directive or law is published to consider the best options for implementation Impact assessment in negotiation and transposition of EU law in UK

10 Better regulation principles for handling negotiation and implementation of EU law 1/3 of ABs come from EU Allocate sufficient resources: policy-makers, lawyers and economists should work together Try to influence proposal early Think about implementation early Think Small First Use impact assessment throughout Aim for legal certainty Dont transfer all risks to business! Dont gold-plate!

11 What about other Member States? Most EU Member States have impact assessment systems However, compliance with central guidance is an issue Some countries have large central better regulation units to drive the agenda; many dont Economic expertise can be lacking IAs published in Finland, Ireland and UK

12 Useful links European Commission better regulation homepage: New Commission IA guidelines: UK Government guidance on negotiating and transposing EU law using better regulation principles:

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