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Learning Psychology Pepperberg (1987) – “Acquisitions of the same/different concept by an African Grey parrot: Learning with respect to categories of.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Psychology Pepperberg (1987) – “Acquisitions of the same/different concept by an African Grey parrot: Learning with respect to categories of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Psychology Pepperberg (1987) – “Acquisitions of the same/different concept by an African Grey parrot: Learning with respect to categories of color, shape, and material”

2 Background What has prior research suggested about the African Grey parrot? Give the limitations to earlier findings. Discuss the suggestions for these limitations. Explain the debate over same/different. State the study’s aims.

3 The Methodology Identify the subject and sampling technique.
State the type of experiment and data. What was the study’s apparatus and design? Explain the general training procedure. Describe the training for same/different. What were the controls for testing?

4 The Tests Describe the probes. What were the testing procedures?
Outline the tests on familiar objects. Explain the tests with Novel objects Describe the probes.

5 Results Outline the training results.
What were the findings on familiar objects? Give the results of the transfer tests with novel objects. What were the findings with the probes? Explain the significance of these findings.

6 Concluding Discussion
Discuss the learning approach in this study. Were there any ethical issues? Assess the strengths and weaknesses. Evaluate the case study method here.

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