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WELCOME! Coffee, donuts and snacks are available in the Lobby!

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1 WELCOME! Coffee, donuts and snacks are available in the Lobby!
world religions, Wks 12 – 14 Comparing Catholicism to Full gospel beliefs WELCOME! Coffee, donuts and snacks are available in the Lobby!

The 66 Book Holy Bible(KJV, or NIV) is the inerrant Word of God, written by 40 different men over a span of 1,500 years, inspired by God, and ascribe as Canon by bible scholars at the 1st Council of Carthage, 397 AD, and has remained virtually unchanged for over the past 1,700 years. Per the AG Position Papers: “The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are verbally inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man, the infallible, authoritative rule of faith and conduct:” (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:21)” (KJV).1 The referenced books (see References page:) are considered accurate, and up to date.

3 Basic beliefs Martin luther’s 5 solas Four ag Core beliefs
Salvation is given by: By grace alone, By Christ alone by faith alone, By Scripture alone, Glory to God alone. 1. Salvation 2. Baptism in the Holy Spirit 3. Divine Healing 4. The 2nd Coming of Christ.

4 AG’s 16 “Fundamental Truths”
The Scriptures Inspired The One True God The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ The Fall of Man The Salvation of Man The Ordinances of the Church The Baptism in the Holy Spirit The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit 9. Sanctification 10. The Church and Its Mission 11. The Ministry 12. Divine Healing 13. The Blessed Hope 14. The Millennial Reign of Christ 15. The Final Judgment 16. The New Heavens and the New Earth Copyright by David Bonilla, October 2017

5 What do our church’s BY-Laws say?
ARTICLE SIX – TENETS OF FAITH  As Tenets of Faith, this church accepts the Holy Bible as the inspired and revealed Will of God, the all sufficient rule of faith and practice, and for the purpose of maintaining general unity, adopts the Statement of fundamental truths approved by the General Council, as same is now and from time to time may be revised, and as recited in the true copy thereof which follows as an addendum to this code of Constitution and Bylaws, by this reference incorporated herein as through set forth in full.

6 First, a few questions What does “anabaptist” mean?
How may of you have been Catholic before? Do you have other family member who are Catholic? What do you say to each other concerning religion?

7 Catholicism history - i
They are considered Christian. Why? Because they believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God of course: The Trinity, and the Bible Largest Christian population in the world today: 1.3 Billion in 2017 This church [religion] has been the decisive spiritual force in the history of Western civilization. Along with Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism, it is one of the three major branches of Christianity. I give them CREDIT for keeping the Bible alive; laboriously copied, but not rewritten, nor modified. But, there are some major “black eyes: in their history! The Crusades ~200 Years (1095 AD – 1291 AD) The Inquisitions ~600 years (1231 AD – 1834 AD)

8 History – ii The inquisitions
The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for 600+ years, the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and its persecution of Jews and Muslims. Its worst manifestation was in Spain, where the Spanish Inquisition was a dominant force for more than 200 years, resulting in some 32,000 executions

9 History - iii Traces its history to Jesus Christ and the Apostles. It has developed a highly sophisticated theology and an elaborate organizational structure headed by the papacy, the oldest continuing absolute monarchy in the world. Moved beyond the geographic borders of Judaism, as the dramatic sentence (Acts 28:14) of the closing chapter of Acts announces: “And thus we came to Rome”   The Church at Rome, later develop into as Roman Catholicism, was started in the apostolic times (circa AD 30-95). (Gingerich) But, from 1st century to 313 AD, Christians worshipped in homes, caves, hiding, and persecuted

10 History - IV Roman Emperor Constantine professed a conversion to Christianity in AD 312. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which granted freedom of worship throughout the empire. Made Christianity legal. Gave pagan temples to the Christians He began to make changes that ultimately led to the formation of the Roman Catholic Church. NOTE: Roman Catholic Bibles contain all the books one would find in Protestant editions. However, Catholicism also recognizes the collection of 15 books called the Apocrypha to be within the canon of Holy Scripture. (Gingerich)

11 History - V The Apostolic authority formulated by the bishop of Lyon, St. Irenaeus (130–200 AD), identifies the three main sources of authority for Catholics: the Scriptures of the New Testament (alongside the Hebrew Scriptures, or “Old Testament,” which Christians interpret as prophesying the coming of Jesus); the episcopal centers established by the Apostles as the seats of their identifiable successors in the governance of the church (traditionally at Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Rome the apostolic tradition of normative doctrine as the “rule of faith” and the standard of Christian conduct. The charter of the Roman Catholic Church: “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock [Greek petra] I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:18–19)

12 History – vi The Great Schism of 1054
The Church was split in two by the Great Schism of 1054, dividing Christians between the western, Latin-speaking Roman Catholic Church and the eastern, Greek-speaking Eastern Orthodox Church. This schism was over two main doctrinal disagreements. One was obviously the role and authority of the Pope. The other was a clause of the Nicene Creed. The western Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son while the Eastern Orthodox believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father (Gingerich)

13 History – VII two more great splits
1517 – The Reformation. Augustin Monk, Martin Luther’s, 95 Thesis Protestation. His followers became known as “Protestants.” The Anglican Church: When King Henry VIII split from the Roman Catholic Church in 1534, when the pope refused to grant the king an annulment. Today, the Anglican Communion represents over 85 million people in over 165 countries. PAPAL HISTORY: According to the Annuario Pontificio, the papal annual, there have been more than 260 popes since St. Peter, traditionally considered the first pope.

14 Let’s retrace Assemblies of God beliefs
Four Core Beliefs 16 Fundamental Truths Two Ordinances (aka sacraments in Catholicism) Official AG Position papers Presbyterian style church government; modified by CA Corporation law, and IRS: church is lead by the Eldership/Pastor(s), who are supported by the Deacons/Directors. The church body may have limited say into the major decisions of the church, but those who meet the biblical qualifications for leadership share the weight of governance and power.

15 Week 12 Ended 9/22/19 on Slide 14 Week 13 Start 9/29/19 on Slide 16

16 Comparison of sacraments
7 Catholic Sacraments (Re Manning, P 81) 2 AG Ordinances/sacraments Baptism: Child, by sprinkling Confirmation conferred on the faithful (about 7 YO), Communion, at about 7 YO Marriage Ordination if deacons & priests Holy Communion, annually Last Rites; before death Baptism: Adult, Full Immersion Communion: Periodic by believers

17 12 Articles of Catholic faith - I
Article 1: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth Article 2: And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord Article 3: Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mar Article 4: He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. Article 5: He descended into hell. The third day he arose again from the dead. Article 6: He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

18 12 Articles of Catholic faith - II
Article 7: He will come again to judge the living and the dead. Article 8: I believe in the Holy Spirit, Article 9: the holy catholic Church, the Communion of Saints Article 10: the forgiveness of sins, and “The Sacrament of Penance has four elements: three on the part of the penitent (contrition, confession, and satisfaction) and one on the part of the minister of the sacrament (absolution) by a Priest. Article 11: the resurrection of the body, Article 12: And in life everlasting

19 Catholic beliefs - i Roman Catholic Church is the one true church
Church Tradition and Bible coexist Child Baptisms Holy Communion annually Believe in Purgatory Pray to Christ or any variety of saints,  Celibate priests Private oral sin confession to a priest annually

20 Wk 13 Ended 9/29/19 on Slide 19 Wk 14 Start 10/6/19 on Slide 21

21 catholic beliefs - II Transubstantiation of the Eucharist (elements of the communion) Basis and justification for the practice of Adoration of the Elements Immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary and her bodily Assumption. Catechism (CCC, last revised 1992) Papal infallibility: official since 1870. Abortion, and artificial contraception, are both forbidden  Distinction between Mortal and Venial sins.

22 Catholic beliefs - III Salvation is attained by cooperating with grace through faith, good works, and participation in the sacraments, including the Sacrament of Penance. Final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, “He who endures to the end will be saved” (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31– 46). The Bible: Evangelicals use the Bible as a rule book. Catholics use it as a prayer book. Although in Mexico, it was forbidden for lay persons to read the Bible. Latin is still used in Mass Rites today. They say that “everyone understands Latin.”

23 Catholic beliefs - iV Purgatory as a process of cleansing that dates back to early Christianity in the 12th century It was the heyday of medieval otherworld-journey narratives such as the Irish Visio Tnugdali, and of pilgrims' tales about St. Patrick's Purgatory, a cave like entrance to purgatory on a remote island in Ireland. Purgatory has two purposes: a temporal punishment for sin, and the cleansing from the attachment to sin.  Purgatory purifies the soul before the soul's grand entrance into heaven. 

24 But, catholic church’s latest scandal: pedophilias
From 1990 to mid-2018, abuse reports of 382 priests (in the US) were made to the Church, with 625 children, mostly under 16, sexually abused by members of the Catholic clergy. From 2001 to 2010, the Holy See examined sex abuse cases involving about 3,000 priests, some of which dated back fifty years.[13]  The Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas paid $30.9 million in 1998 to twelve victims of one priest ($47.5 million in present-day terms).  The Catholic Church has been accused of cover ups, and just re- assigning priests to a different church; especially into the state of New Mexico

25 Two Entities of the Vatican
The Holy See, the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome, both in state practice and according to the writing of modern legal scholars, is that of a full subject of public international law, with rights and duties analogous to those of States. The Vatican City State is ruled by the Pope and he represents all of the world's Roman Catholics. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world (with about 900 individuals), with an area of 110 acres; about half a square kilometer).

26 Two other semi-catholic events
Quinceanera: The fiesta de quince años is a celebration of a girl's 15th birthday. It has its cultural roots in Mesoamerica (originated in Aztec culture) and is widely celebrated today throughout the Americas. It marks an important milestone in a girl's life. Part birthday party, part rite of passage, it symbolizes a girl's entrance into womanhood when turning 15, traditionally showcasing her purity and readiness for marriage. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops announced on October 01, 2008, that it will publish a ritual blessing for the quinceañera, “It looks like a mini wedding,” said D’Aquila, “It’s this incredibly expensive coming-out party, but we do think the mass should be an important part of it.”

27 The quinceañera starts at the local Catholic church
Before any birthday cake is cut, the quince girl attends a special Mass in which she reaffirms her dedication to God and receives a blessing from the priest. Afterward, the Sweet 15 reception gets underway, typically involving some combination of choreographed dance sequences, limousine arrivals, sumptuous spreads of food and desserts, and an official presentation of the quince girl to fiesta attendees. Similar to cotillion and debutante traditions, quinceañeras serve as young Hispanics’ official entrance into society and womanhood and incorporate a host of unique elements and rituals that celebrate girls’ birthdays, as well as their heritage. Parents may even spend more on their daughters' "Sweet 15" quinceañeras than their weddings. Years ago, a Tucson AZ parish refused to do them due their high cost ($3,000 to $25,000)

28 Dia De Los Muertos November 01 (All Saints' Day) is the day for honoring dead children and infants November 02 (All Souls' Day) is the day for honoring adults who have died. The distinction does seem to line up with the Catholic holidays. In 837 Pope Gregory IV ordered its general observance. In medieval England the festival was known as All Hallows, and its eve is still known as Halloween. The period from October 31 to November 2 (All Souls’ Day) is sometimes known as Allhallowtide. Day of the Dead, Spanish Día de los Muertos, holiday in Mexico, also observed to a lesser extent in other areas of Latin America and in the United States, honoring dead loved ones and making peace with the eventuality of death by treating it familiarly, without fear and dread. The holiday is derived from the rituals of the pre-Hispanic peoples of Mexico. Led by the goddess Mictecacihuatl, known as “Lady of the Dead,” the celebration lasted a month. After the Spanish arrived in Mexico and began converting the native peoples to Roman Catholicism, the holiday was moved to coincide with All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day (November 1 and 2, respectively).

29 Statistics - i Catholics church has a very “flat,” Top Down organization: Pope, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests, deacons, parishes, archdioceses, and dioceses, But, each diocese is a separately incorporated entity with no formal linkages between the different diocese or the Vatican.  Whopping statistics! Take a look! Largest Christian population in the world today: 1.3 Billion in 2017 About 51 million Catholic adults in the U.S. The share of Americans who are Catholic declined from 24% in 2007 to 21% in 2014. Catholicism has experienced a greater net loss due to religious switching than has any other religious tradition in the U.S

30 Statistics -ii Catholics in the U.S. are racially and ethnically diverse Catholics are fairly evenly dispersed throughout the country Many U.S. Catholics say they want to see the church make significant changes. Politically, Catholic registered voters are evenly split between those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party (47%) and those who favor the GOP (46%). Large majorities of U.S. Catholics have admired Pope Francis throughout his tenure, but there are growing signs of discontent

31 Other Statistics - Iii The Catholic Church—mostly hospitals and educational institutions—spent $170 billion in the United States alone back in 2010. The Vatican Bank alone has $8 billion in assets in Italy (it is a tax haven.) FYI, There are three Catholic Churches in Merced Any questions?

32 This is it for today God be with you

33 References - I (For this lesson only)
Garcia, Ehiza, Vatican, Inc. (2015) retrieved September 20, from, francis-visit-vatican-catholic-church/index.html Gingerich, Barton ( Anglican Pastor), retrieved September 20, 2019, from catholicism.html Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan; et al, retrieved September 20, 2019 from

34 References - II 7 Facts about American Catholics, retrieved September 20 , 2019, from tank/2018/10/10/7-facts-about-american-catholics/ Re Manning, et al, 30 Second Religion, the 50 Most Thought Provoking Beliefs; each explained in half a minute, Metro Books NY, 2011

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