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Sports Medicine 1 Vocabulary Terms.

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1 Sports Medicine 1 Vocabulary Terms

2 Flash Cards The following slides contain the vocabulary terms for each unit. These terms will be used for unit vocabulary quizzes and unit tests. Please make flash cards for each of the terms as that is an assignment grade in the gradebook.

3 Unit 1: Intro to Athletic Training
Athletic Trainer Biomechanics: How the body moves Chiropractor Orthopedist: Specializes in bones, joints, and feet Family Doctor Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Massage Therapist Manipulation of muscles Sports Psychologist Physical Therapist Sports Nutritionist

4 Unit 2: Bloodborne Pathogens Vocabulary (10 terms)
Pulse Pulse pressure Gauze dressing Occlusive dressing Standard precautions CDC OSHA These terms will be given in class Mucus membranes HBV PPE: Personal Protective Equipment

5 Unit 3: Skin Wound Classifications
Laceration Avulsion Abrasion Puncture wound Hematoma Leukocyte Inflammation Lymphocyte Mononuclear phagocyte Neutrophil Monocyte

6 Unit 4: Cardiac Aorta Arteries Arterioles Atria Capillaries
Cardiac conduction system Cardiorespiratory system Coronary arteries Diastolic Pulmonary artery

7 Unit 5: Emergency Preparedness
PRICES HIT EAP Vital Signs CPR Crisis Plan Triage Primary Assessment ABCs Cardiac Arrest

8 Unit 6: Environmental Considerations
Conduction Convection Evaporation Heat Cramps Heat Exhaustion Heat Index Heatstroke Heat Syncope Hyperthermia Hyponatremia Hypothermia

9 Unit 7: Anatomical Terms
Abduction Adduction Inversion Eversion Extension Flexion Protraction Retraction Opposition Pronation Supination Circumduction

10 Unit 7: Joints/Kinesiology
Joint Articulation Synarthroses Sutures Syndesmosis Gomphosis Amphiarthoses Fibrocartilage Diarthroses Articular Cartilage Synovial Membrane Synovial Fluid Synovial Joints

11 Unit 8: Skeletal System Appendicular Skeleton Axial Skeleton Diaphysis
Epiphysis Medullary Canal Osteoblast Osteocyte Osteoclast Ossification Periosteum Remodeling Spongy Bone

12 Unit 9: Muscular System Skeletal Muscle Smooth Muscle Cardiac Muscle
Contractibility Excitability Action Potential Extensibility Elasticity Origin Insertion Belly Prime Mover

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