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Medieval Song and Dance

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1 Medieval Song and Dance

2 Quiz next Tuesday! on next week’s music only the works with no “*”

3 Theory Lecture! Dr. Nicole Biamonte (McGill University): “Interactions of Rhythm with Texture and Form in Popular Music” Friday, February 2, 4:00 pm (Bliss Recital Hall) Write (i.e., type) a 1-2 pp. review and receive extra credit!

4 Objectives #1. courtly love #2. conventions of songs topics
musical style aab – popular song form

5 Troubadours Southern France Occitan or Provençal
lang d’oc vs. lang d’oïl (North).

6 Troubadours/Courtly love
NOT Courtney Love unrequited love canso Raimbaut de Vaqueiras vida W/T 15 Not Rambo

7 Raimbaut de Vaqueiras, W/T 15
“‘Every loyal lover,’ replied Beatrice, ‘who attaches himself to a lady of merit, whom he fears as well as respects, always explains his sentiments before he suffers himself to die for her sake.’” “The more did Beatrice favor her knight, the more desirous were the envious to ruin him in her esteem. . . And so much evil gossip was spread about that the lady Beatrice became enraged with Raimbaut.”

8 Troubadours/Courtly love
Unrequited love canso Raimbaut de Vaqueiras vida W/T 15

9 Troubadours/Courtly love
Comtessa de Dia A chantar ( ), NAWM 9 aab

10 The Albigensian Crusade

11 Trouvère song Adam de la Halle, Jeu de Robin . . . (ca. 1284) NAWM 10
Musical play Pastourelle Rondeau ABaabAB

12 The Minnelied in Germany
Walther von der Vogelweide Crusade Song Palästinalied (ca.1228), NAWM 11 aab

13 The Gothic Polyphony of Notre Dame de Paris

14 Principal Objectives Notre Dame polyphony #1. organum vs. discant
#2. Leoninus vs. Perotinus #3 clausulae

15 Terminology Antiquity Middle Ages Gothic Goth Kids
Edgar Allan Poes (by Valerie Rangel)

16 Notre Dame de Paris “gothic” architecture built 1160-1250 hi-res pic
Anonymous IV, W/T 16

17 Anonymous IV on Leoninus and Perotinus, W/T 16
“Master Leoninus was generally known as the best composer of organum, who made the book (Magnus Liber) for Mass and Office for the enhancement of the Divine Service. This book was in use until the time of the great Perotinus, who shortened it and substituted a great many better clausulae, because he was the best composer of discant and better than Leoninus.”

18 Notre Dame de Paris “gothic” architecture built 1160-1250 hi-res pic
Anonymous IV, W/T 16 Magnus liber organi (the Great Book of Organum)

19 Rhythmic modes/notation
poetic meters ligatures

20 Leoninus, Viderunt omnes, NAWM 17
[see Viderunt Omnes from NAWM 3] genre: organum duplum chant = tenor florid organum discant (for melismas) Clausulae on Dominus, NAWM 18 (Anonymous)

21 Perotinus Viderunt omnes, NAWM 19 genre: organum quadruplum
stop on new syllables voice exchange Note differences between Leonin and Perotin Leonin = 2 voices Perotin = 3 or 4 voices

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