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Welcome to Year 3 CONTACT DETAILS -- Telephone Mobile /messages

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1 Welcome to Year 3 CONTACT DETAILS -- Telephone Mobile /messages

2 P.E. Tuesday and Thursday
All necessary kit to be at school. We will be running and skipping on other days of the week. Contact Books will be checked on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Reading Record It is important that you encourage your child to read everyday. Please sign their Reading record book at least 4 times a week. The Reading Challenge will begin on the 23 September and once again this is designed to encourage and motivate children to read often.

4 Homework Maths You can help your child by continuing to:-
practise timetables by knowing the multiples as well as the number sentence. National test in May 2019 for year 4 pupils will be the first. All calculations must be understood. 3 X 4 = X 3 = ÷ 3 = ÷ 4 =

5 Homework Theme - there are suggestions for homework on the theme on the website. There are two each term. This is a time to work with your child.

6 You may be asked to assist with your child at home with an area of learning that needs reinforcing.
Work will be sent home with details of what needs to be done. That little extra effort really helps your child progress.

7 Spelling Spelling lists will be sent home for your child to work on.
We will also start our weekly spelling list and tests will be on a Thursday. Practising writing out the words will help your child to remember. Using the words in sentences helps understanding. Phonics will be given to some children to help them decode words in reading and spelling.

8 New Curriculum and challenges.
New assessment with no levels continues and everyone is now on Emerging for year 3 The new curriculum is broader -- so year groups continue to have gaps in learning which will need to be addressed. We will be working at pace to get children up to the National requirement. The year 3 curriculum is extensive and children will need to practise often.

9 We expect that all work will be your child’s best.
Handwriting is a focus this year for me. We expect that all work will be your child’s best. Please support us by encouraging this at home. An example of how letters and numerals are formed will be sent home at the end of the week. Relaxed and confident I will have activities to help develop these. Children must be happy and not stressed in order to learn.

10 Clubs Extramural Clubs will be available each term. Some clubs will have a small cost to cover resources. There are outside people who deliver clubs and these usually cost between £4 and £5 per lesson. The office has details of these.

11 Values Sutton Valence values will be discussed and embedded in all areas of school life. FRIENDSHIP EQUALITY RESPECT COURAGE EXCELLENCE INSPIRATION DETERMINATION I encourage children to tell the truth and be honest and to learn by their mistakes. Behaviour and reward policy is designed for all pupils to succeed. Encourage your child to share both with you.

12 Emotional Wellbeing We will be focusing on how we feel and encourage children to share when things are not going well. Mindfulness Sitting like a frog Relaxation exercises Strategies to use to calm down

13 Information FOREST SCHOOL There are green bags(£4) available from the office for forest school clothing. Wellies or old trainers are needed when working in the veggie garden. PARENT HELP: Reading with children Accompanying us on trips. Visitors at school – around £ 7.00 One trip –costing approximately £24.00 CONCERNS Contact books, arrange an appointment, open Thursday.

14 PTA We have a great committee with a parent representative for each class. The AGM is coming up and there are several opportunities to support fundraising activities.

15 Reminders:- Your child needs a water bottle.
A coat as the weather gets cooler. Money -- We are a cashless school so payment must be made via Gateway. Fundraising events may ask for small amounts of cash. The office and the class teacher need to know about any allergies or medication, including inhalers. Please make sure that a medical form is filled in at the office.

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