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Mrs Molyneux Mrs Joyce We are part of Phase 2 along with Y1 and Y2.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Molyneux Mrs Joyce We are part of Phase 2 along with Y1 and Y2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Molyneux Mrs Joyce We are part of Phase 2 along with Y1 and Y2.
Welcome to Year One/Two Mrs Molyneux Mrs Joyce We are part of Phase 2 along with Y1 and Y2.

2 Routines Homework set on a Tuesday- return by Monday of next week. Projects to be in before half term. There will be three projects, as there will be three topics over the year. PE/Dance: Tuesday/Friday. Letters will be sent home if children do not have the correct PE kit for their lesson. Please ensure earrings are removed. Newsletter every Thursday. Parentmail – please ensure we have correct contact details.

3 Routines Fresh water sent in daily in a water bottle with a pop up top please. Class assemblies will take place on a Friday at 3pm – dates to be confirmed. New House point system involving whole school. Planners / book bags– For communication between home and school. Staff will sign as they listen to children in Guided Read. Children’s responsibility to tell adults if there is a message or to hand in any letters/homework/money.

4 Behaviour High expectations. Develop positive attitude towards work.
Consistent approaches by all staff following school policy. Parental support. Reward systems – House Points, certificates, praise postcards, texts, names on newsletter.

5 Homework Homework related to work we have done in class.
Important to continue regular reading at home, as well as discussion. Please could you write in the planner. Homework set on Friday – back for the next Friday. It is important to stress that Homework should not be arduous … children need time to play, relax and be creative as well!

6 Phonics Statutory Phonics Screening Check – June 2017
Phonics workshop for parents – January 2017 20 minute sessions daily Continue at home - Phoneme frames sent home when necessary

7 English Phonics: Letters and Sounds. Phonics Check.
Speaking and Listening. Handwriting. Emphasis on reading, listening, drama etc as well as writing. Reading – Importance of reading at home. Individual readers with parent helpers/students for some children. Book changing arrangements – once a week, usually on a Monday by volunteers.

8 Maths Practise the BASICS! Number strategies. Problem solving.
Quick mental re-call.

9 Curriculum Creative Curriculum.
Educational visits – there will be three a year. Enterprise. New curriculum – targets/SATS

10 Staying Safe On the Internet.
What your Child will be Learning Why we teach E Safety It is about behaviour. The right of the child to be safe. The responsibility of the child to respect the safety and wellbeing of others and the law. Crucially, responsibility for e-safety extends beyond the school gates and beyond the school day and includes parents and extended families. Anywhere where children have access to the technology.

11 EARWIG Earwig is a whole school academic timeline where your child’s records will be recorded throughout their school journey, (more information will follow shortly). You will receive an from Earwig with personal login details.

12 PFA Welcome new members !! New ideas welcome.
Fundraising activities – providing resources to enhance school life. Have a laugh!

13 Parent Pop-in Parent Pop-in sessions will be held following parental requests (usually on the last Thursday of each half term). You are welcome to come into school from pm to browse the classrooms sharing the fabulous work we have been doing in school.

14 Flu Vaccination From October all children in school years 1 and 2 will be offered flu vaccination within school in the form of a nasal spray. A national advertising campaign will be active shortly. Consent forms will be distributed shortly. No child will be vaccinated without parental consent. The vaccine is not mandatory. The vaccine will be administered by the school nurses team.

15 It has been a pleasure to meet you all.
Anything else???? We hope that you have found this information useful. We are all looking forward to what promises to be a busy, exciting and enjoyable first term!! It has been a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you for coming!

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