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Animal Review.

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1 Animal Review

2 How are the organisms above similar to each other?
They are both plants They are both cellular They are both vertebrates They are both cold-blooded 1

3 AND THE ANSWER IS B. They are both cellular

4 The chart below shows the rate of extinction of bird species over a 400-year period.
During what year did the smallest number of bird species become extinct? 1600 1670 1730 2000 2


6 The student has most likely drawn this diagram to
A student has drawn the diagram below in science class. The student has most likely drawn this diagram to Illustrate a food chain Attempt to classify organisms Determine the number of organisms in a population Represent different stages in the life cycle of an organism 3

7 AND THE ANSWER IS B. Attempt to classify organisms

8 A. African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) B. Gray wolf (Canis lupus)
Dogs (Canis familiaris) are most closely related genetically to which of the following organisms? A. African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) B. Gray wolf (Canis lupus) C. Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) D. Domestic cat (Felis catus) 4

9 AND THE ANSWER IS B. Gray wolf (Canis lupus)

10 Multicellular eukaryotes that are usually mobile and obtain food from other organisms probably belong to the kingdom — A. Plantae B. Fungi C. Animalia D. Protista 5

11 AND THE ANSWER IS C. Animalia

12 Feathers, wings, and the hollow bones of birds are examples of
A. adaptations for flight B. responses to stimuli C. unnecessary body parts D. reproductive structures 6

13 AND THE ANSWER IS A. adaptations for flight

14 Movement of planarians Temperature of the location
Planarians are freshwater organisms that can regenerate. Sonia had three petri dishes of planarians. In the same room, the first petri-dish was inside a cabinet, the second petri dish was sitting on her desk, and the third petri dish was partially covered by a book. After one hour, she noted the distribution of the planarians in each petri dish. Which was the independent variable in her experiment? Color of the petri dish Amount of Light Movement of planarians Temperature of the location 7

15 AND THE ANSWER IS B. Amount of Light

16 What do scientists look at/use in order to classify animals?

17 AND THE ANSWER IS Characteristics

18 What class of animals have scales on their feet and legs with two, three, or four toes?


20 What are the two classes of vertebrates that are warm-blooded?

21 AND THE ANSWER IS Birds and Mammals

22 Which of the following is an acquired behavior.
a. A bird flying south in the fall b. A kitten drinking milk c. A dog leading a blind person 11

23 C A dog leading a blind person
AND THE ANSWER IS C A dog leading a blind person Acquired behavior is learned rather than inherited.

24 What is binomial nomenclature?
A. classifying organisms into seven levels B. the naming system developed by Aristotle C. grouping of animals based on how they move D. a naming system in which each organism is given a two-part name 12

25 AND THE ANSWER IS D. a naming system in which each organism is given a two-part name

26 Which of these invertebrates can live only in water?
Insects Sponges Worms Mollusks 13


28 What is one adaptation of cnidarians?
A mantle Tentacles Molting Metamorphosis 14

29 AND THE ANSWER IS B. Tentacles

30 Which group of invertebrates is the largest?
Sponges Mollusks Cnidarians Arthropods 15

31 AND THE ANSWER IS D. Arthropods

32 All invertebrates have
Simple body systems and go through metamorphosis Legs and absorb oxygen with skin or gills Exoskeletons and asexual reproduction No backbones and cannot make their own food 16

33 AND THE ANSWER IS D. No backbones and cannot make their own food

34 Cnidarians and sponges are similar because both
Have tentacles with stinging cells Have complex nervous systems Get their food from the water around them. Get their oxygen from the air around them. 17

35 AND THE ANSWER IS C. Get their food from the water around them.

36 The chart below shows the rate of extinction of bird species over a 400-year period.
If the trend continues in the graph, what will most likely be the number of species of birds that have become extinct by 2050? 40 45 50 60 18


38 A. internal skeleton and bilateral symmetry
Two adaptations that protect most echinoderms from their enemies are an A. internal skeleton and bilateral symmetry B. internal skeleton and spiny skin C. external skeleton and tube feet D. external skeleton and mobile larva 19

39 AND THE ANSWER IS B. internal skeleton and spiny skin

40 Which of these adaptations do most bony fish have?
A. scales B. cartilaginous skeleton C. jawless mouths D. asexual reproduction 20

41 AND THE ANSWER IS A. scales

42 A. The salamander is one with four limbs
You see two small vertebrates near a rock. One is a lizard. One is a salamander. How can you tell which is a salamander? A. The salamander is one with four limbs B. The salamander is the one with the moist skin C. The salamander is the one that lays eggs D. The salamander is one with a tail. 21

43 AND THE ANSWER IS The salamander is the one with the moist skin

44 A. have internal fertilization B. always builds nests for their eggs
The main reason that birds sit on their eggs during incubation is that birds A. have internal fertilization B. always builds nests for their eggs C. must keep their eggs at a constant temperature D. Always raise their young in pairs. 22

45 AND THE ANSWER IS C. must keep their eggs at a constant temperature

46 Which of these describe all vertebrates?
A. ectotherms with endoskeletons B. endotherms with vertebrae C. ectotherms or endotherms with endoskeletons D. ectotherms or endotherms with exoskeletons 23

47 AND THE ANSWER IS C. ectotherms or endotherms with endoskeletons

48 The body temperature of mammals and birds does not change with their environment because these animals are A. invertebrates B. ectotherms C. echinoderms D. endotherms 24

49 AND THE ANSWER IS D. endotherms

50 A body plan where one half of the body looks exactly like the other is known as (two words)

51 AND THE ANSWER IS Bilateral Symmetry

52 What is a type of mollusk with a hard shell made of two matching halves that is a filter feeder

53 AND THE ANSWER IS bivalves

54 The process of shedding the exoskeleton so that an arthropod can grow is known as

55 AND THE ANSWER IS molting

56 The simplest multicellular animals on Earth are

57 AND THE ANSWER IS sponges

58 A system that is made up of water-filled tubes that radiate out from the center of the echinoderm’s body is called what?(two words) 29

59 AND THE ANSWER IS Water vascular system

60 What is the most diverse group of mollusks

61 AND THE ANSWER IS gastropods

62 The process during which an organism changes its appearance during its life cycle is known as

63 AND THE ANSWER IS metamorphosis

64 Adult bodies of these arthropods have three body segments, a pair of antennae and six legs attached to the middle segment, the thorax 32

65 AND THE ANSWER IS insects

66 This type of arthropod, like the crab, has three or more pairs of legs and two pairs of antennae

67 AND THE ANSWER IS crustaceans

68 What are the group of invertebrates that live in the ocean whose name means “spiny-skinned” called?

69 AND THE ANSWER IS echinoderms

70 An immature form or early stage of an organism which is different from the parent is known as


72 What is the name for the group of animals that most vertebrates are part of?


74 An animal with a backbone is known as

75 AND THE ANSWER IS A vertebrate

76 Animals that have tough, dry skin covered by scales, obtain oxygen through lungs, and lay their hard-shelled eggs on land are called what? 38

77 AND THE ANSWER IS reptiles

78 An animals whose body temperature changes with their environmental conditions(fish, reptiles, amphibians) is called 39

79 AND THE ANSWER IS Exothermic An ectotherm

80 Which classification level is broader than the phylum level? A. order
A. order B. class C. family D. kingdom 40

81 AND THE ANSWER IS D. kingdom

82 Animals that may have four limbs, lay their eggs in water, obtain oxygen through their smooth, moist skin and or lungs are called 41

83 AND THE ANSWER IS amphibian

84 What is the name for the journey of an animal from one place to another and back again?

85 AND THE ANSWER IS Migration

86 A chemical that is released by one animal that affects the behavior of another animal of the same species is known as what? 43

87 AND THE ANSWER IS Pheromone

88 Signals that cause organisms to react in some way are called what?

89 AND THE ANSWER IS Stimuli or stimulus

90 A state of greatly reduced body activity that occurs during winter is called what?

91 AND THE ANSWER IS Hibernation

92 What is the name for the type of learning that helps people ride a bike smoothly?

93 AND THE ANSWER IS Trial and Error

94 What is the production of light by chemical reactions inside the cells of living organisms called?

95 AND THE ANSWER IS Bioluminescence

96 This consists of all the actions an animal performs.


98 What is recognizing and following the first moving object seen after birth or hatching called?

99 AND THE ANSWER IS Imprinting

100 What is knowing what to do without being taught called?

101 AND THE ANSWER IS Instinct

102 What is doing something new by applying what you already know called
What is doing something new by applying what you already know called? (two words) 51

103 AND THE ANSWER IS Insight Learning

104 What is the reaction to a stimulus called?

105 AND THE ANSWER IS Response

106 Animals use sounds, body positions, movements, and scent to do this.

107 AND THE ANSWER IS Communicate

108 What is learning to connect some kind of stimulus with a good or bad event called?

109 AND THE ANSWER IS Conditioning

110 What is a group of closely related animals of the same species that work together for a benefit of the whole group called? 55


112 What is an area that is occupied and defended by an animal or group of animals called?

113 AND THE ANSWER IS Territory

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