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UNIT 3 Genetics and Biotech

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1 UNIT 3 Genetics and Biotech
Bio 30 GB2 Investigate how genetic information is stored, transmitted and expressed at the molecular level. Bio 30 GB1 Explore classical (i.e. Medelian) and current(i.e. chromosomal) understandings of biological inheritance. Bio 30 GB3 Explore the impacts of historical, current and emerging biotechnologies on self, society and the environment.

2 DNA The Structure of DNA
– DNA image The Structure of DNA

3 DNA Scientists who discovered the structure of DNA

4 Oswald Avery Avery’s team determined that genes are composed of DNA

5 Erwin Chargaff Chargaff discovered that DNA has the same amount of adenosine as thymine and the same amount of cytosine as guanine. A = T and G = C A T C G

6 Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins
Franklin and Wilkins used x-ray to discover that DNA was a double helix.

7 Watson and Crick Watson & Crick won a Nobel Prize for discovering the structural model of DNA. They credited Wilkins and Franklin. Wilkins also got a Nobel Prize but Franklin did not. Rosalind had passed away and the Nobels are not awarded posthumously. 1953

8 DNA is a Nucleic Acid Nucleic acids are one of the major organic compounds.

9 Nucleic acids contain C, H, N, O, P Are made up of nucleotide monomers
sugar phosphate nitrogen base Store genetic information Help make proteins Examples: DNA & RNA NUCLEIC ACIDS very large linear molecules made up of nucleotides containing C, H, N, O, P store genetic information, help to make proteins examples: DNA and RNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

10 DNA Structure phosphate nucleotide sugar nitrogen base PO4 N base PO4
The numbers are the positions of the carbons on the sugar. (the 3’ end) 5 4 3 2 1 (the 5’ end) PO4 N base PO4 Sugar N base Sugar DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

11 A NUCLEOTIDE 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. O 2. H3 P C H2 N H 1. Phosphate Group
2. 5-Carbon Sugar (Dexoyribose or Ribose) 1. 2. 3. 3. Nitrogen Base H H2 H3 O C N P 1. 2. 3.

12 A G T C Nucleotides Adenine Purines Guanine Thymine Pyrimidines
There are four nitrogen bases making up four different nucleotides. A Adenine Purines Guanine G N base T Thymine Pyrimidines Cytosine C

13 Chargaff’s Base Pair Rules
Adenine always bonds with thymine. Adenine (A) to Thymine (T) A T The lines between the bases represent hydrogen bonds C G Guanine always bonds with Cytosine. Guanine (G) to Cytosine (C)

14 Pairing DNA Nucleotides
N-b Nucleotide S C G Rule A Review slide. Make sure students can pick out the sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogen bases as well as know how the bases pair up (have them tell you the what the answers are before you animate it) A to T A C to G T G

15 3’End 5’End ladder shaped molecule DNA DOUBLE HELIX


17 What is RNA? RNA stands for Ribo Nucleic Acid
RNA is DNA’s “helper” molecule. sugar phosphate nitrogen base RNA is a single stranded nucleic acid Made up of monomers called nucleotides

18 RNA Nucleotides B A C A - Sugar (ribose) B - Phosphate
C - Nitrogen base nitrogen base sugar phosphate B Name the parts of the nucleotide. RNA is made of nucleotide subunits arranged in a single strand Ask students which molecules are which (before you animate the answers) A C

19 RNA Nitrogen Base Sugar (ribose) Phosphate Group
Identify the parts of the RNA strand. Nitrogen Base Make sure students know the molecules located in RNA. Have the students notice that RNA is single stranded whereas DNA is a double helix. Sugar (ribose) Phosphate Group

20 Notice that RNA has Uracil (not thymine)
Rules for Base Pairing Cytosine pairs with Guanine C = G Adenine pairs with Uracil A = U IMPORTANT!!!!!!! Notice that RNA has Uracil (not thymine)

21 Rules for Base Pairing C = G A = U C G A U G C T A 3’ DNA strand
Teacher FYI – the transcription process moves from the 3’ end of DNA to the 5’ end and synthesizes an RNA strand of opposite polarity T A RNA strand 5’ DNA strand

22 What is the function of RNA?
Carries DNA’s message code Helps make protein Types of RNA Messenger RNA (mRNA) Transfer RNA (tRNA) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Ask students the function of RNA; they should recall this from the organic molecules unit. Introduce the three types of RNA; you don’t need to give their functions here. Messenger (mRNA) Transfer (tRNA) Ribosomal (rRNA)

23 Comparing DNA & RNA DNA RNA √ √ √ √ Sugar is deoxyribose
Sugar is ribose Adenine base is present Cytosine base is present Review the differences between DNA & RNA Have them tell you the answers to each before you animate the answers

24 Comparing DNA & RNA DNA RNA √ √ √ √ Guanine base is present
Thymine base is present Uracil base is present Shape is double helix Review the differences between DNA & RNA Have them tell you the answers to each before you animate the answers

25 Comparing DNA & RNA DNA RNA √ √ √ √ Shape is single stranded
Located in nucleus Located in cytoplasm Stores genetic information Review the differences between DNA & RNA Have them tell you the answers to each before you animate the answers

26 Comparing DNA & RNA DNA RNA √ √ √ √ √ Functions in protein synthesis
Composed of nucleotides Template for synthesis of proteins Transcribes the Template More than one type Review the differences between DNA & RNA Have them tell you the answers to each before you animate the answers You will probably have to tell them the answers to the 1st, 3rd & 4th question on this slide since they don’t know about protein synthesis yet; it will be a good review at the end of the chapter though.

27 Video Nucleic Acids

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