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Resume Writing The resume’s purpose and how to write it.

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Presentation on theme: "Resume Writing The resume’s purpose and how to write it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resume Writing The resume’s purpose and how to write it.

2 What is a resume? A resume is a one page summary of your skills,
education, and experiences. It’s your advertisement. It’s one of the most important keys to opening the door on a good job. It is a reflection of yourself, so work hard on it.

3 How long do employers look at a resume?
A. Less than 30 seconds B. 3 Minutes C. 5 Minute Answer A How does this affect your resume and the information you provide in it?

4 What do you need in your resume?
Heading: Include essential personal information

5 Objective: Explanation of job you are seeking, make it specific to the job you are applying for

6 What have you done? Education: Include when you expect to graduate, you may want to include a section on relevant courses Experience: Previous and current employment starting with most recent (sometimes volunteering will fall into this category

7 Demonstrate your abilities with:
Activities: School and community Skills: List special skills and talents that are job specific, like: computer programs, artistic skills, second languages Emphasize teamwork

8 References: Make sure they are quality people, provide contact info. Sometimes required, sometimes unneeded until requested by the employer. Make sure to have quality references available and ready to provide a quality identification and description of you and your abilities.

9 Focus on your best and most relevant.
Key in on your best experiences. Make sure that the information you provide is relevant to the job

10 Make strong word choices when writing your resume.

11 Perfection…Your resume must be FLAWLESS!!

12 Examples and Questions

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