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Ms. Weintraub Freshman Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Weintraub Freshman Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Weintraub Freshman Experience

2 HELLO! 1. PLEASE SIT DOWN QUICKLY AND QUIETLY 2. TAKE OUT A PIECE OF PAPER AND SOMETHING TO WRITE WITH 3. Write down the WOD on your paper with the definitions WOD: PIONEER (noun) a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area (Verb) develop or be the first to use or apply something

3 Bell Ringer Quick Write: Why is it important for students to be familiar with school rules and expectations? *3-5 sentences*

4 What makes a successful student?

5 With your group Compare what you wrote down and select the 3 most important characteristics of a successful student

6 Calendars

7 Reminders Sign up for free and reduced lunch (Sept 17th)
Return emergency contact forms (Thurs, 8/30) Bus transportation **Composition Notebook and Folder Due: Odd Periods: Tuesday, 8/28 Even Periods: Wednesday 8/29


9 Policies & Procedures

10 1. No Food In Class It’s a distraction It causes bugs

11 2. No Phones Including: phones, tablets, smart watches, iPods, Kindles etc If you need to use your phone for whatever reason ASK **There will be times when technology is used – These times will be made clear Cell phone jail

12 3. No heads on Desks

13 4. No talking while someone else its talking /Raise your hand to speak

14 5. No wandering around the classroom

15 6. Appropriate Language

16 7. R-E-S-P-E-C-T The Classroom The Materials Each Other

17 Rules 1. No food in class 2. No phones 3. No heads on desks
4. No talking while someone else is talking/raise your hand to speak 5. No wandering around the classroom 6. Appropriate Language 7. Respect The classroom The materials Each other

18 Attendance You are expected to come to class on time, every day
It is your responsibility to make up any missing work Tardies and absences will effect your grade If you are late/absent you will fill out a slip of paper explaining why

19 Entering/Leaving the classroom
Come in quickly and quietly Look for directions on the board Take out your composition notebook and something to write with each day Remain in your seat until the bell rings

20 Grading Make-up/Incomplete Work policy Re-do work policy CATEGORY

21 CONSEQUENCES Step 1: Warning Step 2: Teacher Conference
Step 3: Parent phone call/loss of privileges/behavior contract Step 4: Admin Involvement/Referral Exceptions: Violence/Hate

22 Bathroom Policy You Will Receive 3 bathroom tickets per quarter
Yes they can roll over You must ask at appropriate times (ex. while I am going over directions) 15/15 minutes rule If the bathroom privileges are being abused, I reserve the right to discontinue tickets

23 North Miami Senior High School 13110 NE 8th Ave North Miami, FL 33161
First Name Last Name Address City, State, Zip

24 Letter To Self You will write a one page letter to your future self
Some ideas: Talk about goals Fears about starting school Talk about your first 2 days What you hope to accomplish Things you want to try words of encouragement Past mistakes Ideas you have

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